Chapter 3

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Royce's P.O.V:

We practically stayed over at Romeo's house.

"Hey Geoff i need your help taking out breakfast...we can eat out in the patio" Said Romeo.

"Alright. Hey shouldnt your sister eat with us too?" I asked him.

He chuckled.

"Oh you dont want that. She will probably just tell us stuff. Boys annoy her" He said.

I took plates out setting the table for breakfast.

"Hey Geoff need any help?" It was Dave.

"Sure. Go grab the cups and Justin go get the...-"

"Dont tell me what to do. Im not in the mood" Answered Justin.

Justin could be a little um... lazy sometimes.


We all sat down and started eating our breakfast. It was delicious. The cook had made us pancakes, sausage and egg with toast. 😋

The guys started talking about the usual... you know... girls.

Thats when i suddenly heard a scream coming from inside.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked a bit worried

"Yeah. It was probably Sam" Said Romeo and they kept talking.

"Ill be back excuse me" I said walking inside.

"Hey are you okay? I heard you scream and i panicked a little"

"Yeah im fine. I just cut myself and im um.. bleeding haha" She said right before fainting.


What do you do when somebody faints?

I carried her out to the patio and asked the guys for help.

"Lets pour a glass of water on her!" Said Justin.

"No! Dont be a jerk" I told him.

"Isnt alcohol good for people when they faint?" Asked Dave.

"Just leave her. She faints all the time for any little reason. She'll be fine" Said Romeo walking back to the table.

Are you fucking serious?

Justin shrugged and walked back with Romeo.

"Here ill go ask the maid for alcohol. Ill be back" Said Dave.

Thank god somebody here isnt a jerk.

"Got it. Here i think youre supposed to make her smell it or something"

I placed the cotton ball with alcohol on her nose and she got up instantly.

"Are you okay?" We asked in unison.

"Um yeah i think so. Why did i even faint?"

She looked at her arm and as soon as she saw the blood she fainted again.

Oh you have got to be kidding me.

"Romeo! Does she seriously faint for anything?" Asked Dave.

"Yes! She fainted like last week because she stepped on dog poop while running" He said laughing.

Justin laughed really loud.

"Your sister's really delicate then" I told him

"Its because she's a little brat. Asi como decimos en español es una fresita" He said.

I rolled my eyes and carried her back inside. As soon as i put her down she woke up.

"Okay im better. Would you mind getting me a band-aid?" She asked pointing at one of the cabinets in the kitchen.

"Uh yeah sure. Here you go" I said handing her the band-aid.

"Sorry you had to deal with my... um.. fainting" She said a little shyly.

I couldnt handle but laugh. She seriously fainted 2 times!

"Its fine. I know this is kind of weird but do you maybe want to go out later? To watch a movie or something? If you dont want to its fine too but-.." I was talking and talking... and talking. Ugh

"No. Id love to. Thank you. What time?" She asked as she admired the big band-aid she now had on her arm.

"How about 6? Ill pick you up"

"Perfect. Just um.. can you not tell my brother? He'll either kill you or kill me... eh maybe both" She said chuckling a bit.

Was she serious.

"Um.. Romeo would get mad?" I asked her.

I mean Romeo is like my best friend i wouldnt want to lose him.

"Yeah he's a jerk! Every boyfriend i have... he ends up scaring them off. I hate it" She said rolling her eyes just thinking about it.

She stared at me and then her eyes kind of popped open.

"Um...Not that i consider you my boyfriend or anything... i mean we're just going as friends but Romeo is like that"

So Romeo is jealous of his sister's boyfriends. Well i guess i should tell that to Justin.



I updated! I know i said tomorrow but i couldnt hold it lol! :)



Ill be doing a Q & A! Ill post a small description in a little bit! So i would appreciate it if you guys all participated! :)

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