How to be a Queen (Myths Finding Love #1)

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Author: AerithSage
State: Completed
Genre: Fantasy

Cover: In my most honest opinion, I do not really like the cover of the book. This is the new cover that was posted recently. It looks gloomy, full of despair and to dark unlike the old cover. The old cover (which I do not have a photo of) seemed more appropriate for the title where it shows a girl holding a crown and everything is white.

Plot Review:
I really love the story between Hades and Aerith (main characters). I personally don't like love stories because most of the love stories I read are weird, sometimes unrealistic and too lovey-dovey. Although this book has a sweet kind of heart-breaking love that you wish for. It has this somewhat cliche scene that you don't realize what you already have and still do something more or looks for something else. There was this minor problem that gradually grew into the main problem of the story. This kept the story exciting.

Rating: 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Love it. That's it. I can't say anything else but this: "READ THIS BOOK"

Recommendation: PG-13
I prefer to rate it this way because of some mature chapters and violent language used.
(There are warnings for the scenes not meant for minor readers)

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