What Potterheads would do at Hogwarts

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Author: E-Slappy
State: Completed
Genre: Random

Cover: 👍❤️  Great and attractive cover

Plot: This book made me laugh. Seriously, if all the potterheads came to Hogwarts and did the things listed, I don't know the mayhem we would cause. I love it! Ideas are original. Although some seem to revolve around the latest trends. I would suggest using really old trends like the 'ALS ice bucket challenge' because sometimes hearing the newest trends and using it here maybe a bit annoying for some but really worth reading.

Description: No better way to describe it

Title: No better way to describe it in a short title

Grammar: Who needs grammar and spelling mistakes in short chapters? But seriously, I don't think I spotted any mistake

Rating: 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Love it. That's it. I can't say anything else but this: "READ THIS BOOK"

Age restriction: PG-13
Some info are meant for older people while bad words do appear often due to some 'insults' a potterhead would say to a character they dislike

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