My Protector

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Author: Reighlen
Reads at the time this was posted: 11k
State: Completed
Genre: Fantasy

Cover: Very plain and simple but it has so many deep interpretations. The first thing that I thought when I saw this cover is that the girl has a tragic past and promises made to her are all broken but this is not the case of the story. You can try to connect the title and story to the cover but you can't relate it so clearly if you are seeing it as a first impression kind of thing.

Plot Review:
I honestly think it is a bit confusing and many questions and possibilities can race through your mind. Betrayal and loss is at every corner in this story. It's like a roller coaster. You go up to a happy moment then suddenly down into the darkest moment then all of sudden up again and down again. All of a sudden you are thrown off course in a cliffhanger

Rating: 3/5 🌟🌟🌟
The plot is nice although I think it still needs editing and improvements

Recommendation: PG/G
I could recommend this book to anyone.

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