Worst Story on Wattpad

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Author: arcticstars
State: Completed
Genre: Humor

Cover: I honestly find the cover funny. It's a but weird like the story itself

Plot: the story itself is very exciting and random. Random information or plot twist or ideas keep being thrown into the story which keeps it interesting. I honestly can't stop laughing cause of the randomness of the book. A lot of cliche stories keep being added like my boyfriend is a vampire or I am forced into an arranged marriage or I suddenly get kidnapped. I can't wait to read the sequel.

Description: the description really caught my attention since it's like mashing a lot of cliche stories together.

Title: I can't tell if the author is describing her story as the 'worst story on wattpad' or it's named that because it's a parody of cliche stories

Grammar: didn't spot any but not 100% sure it's grammar and spelling mistake free

Rating: 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Love it. That's it. I can't say anything else but this: "READ THIS BOOK"

Age restriction: Everyone
There is nothing mature in this book although some info might be unkown to younger readers

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