How I Fell for Death (Myths Finding Love #2)

649 12 1

Author: AerithSage
State: Completed
Genre: Fantasy

Cover: I like the new cover (the one above) much better than the old one. It is much more relatable to the title than the old cover (which I find a little too mature)

Plot Review:
I honestly don't think anyone can beat AerthSage in her romance novels. I mean this is just as good as the first book! (For some, even better!) It has the heart-breaking and sweet kind of love that everyone wants. I still love how much Thanatos (one of the main characters) resemble so much to Hades when it comes to love. It also has this somewhat cliche scene when you try to change or rebel on what is already planned out for you. There was also this minor problem that gradually grew into the main problem of the story. This kept the story exciting.

Rating: 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Love it. That's it. Just like the first book, I can't say anything else but this: "READ THIS BOOK"

Recommendation: PG-13
I prefer to rate it this way because of some mature chapters and violent language used.
(There are warnings for the scenes not meant for minor readers)

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