Chapter 2

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"What happened." Asked Leon.

"Nothing... Don't worry about it." Said Maria.

"If he's hurting you you should tell someone."

"If I feel like I'm in danger I will this is none of your business."

They were speaking in the art room after school. It was empty so they could talk privately.

"I made it my business when I got the shit kicked out of me." Said Leon.

"Why doing you care ? Are you some kind of stalker ?" Said Maria.

"I'm just concerned for your safety. I'm trying to be a friend."

"Who asked you to do that ?"

"No one...but when I see a problem I want to fix it."

Maria walked around the room. Her footsteps were the only sound in the room.

Leon just sat with his arms crossed. Staring her down.

"I'm not a baby." Said Maria.

"No kidding."

"Look I appreciate what you're doing but I don't need you're help...why does everyone think I need help, I can handle myself... If I wanted to leave Randal I would." Shouted Maria.

"Do you love him ?" Asked Leon.

Maria stumbled a bit, "What do you mean "?

"Do you love Randal...I've never seen you kiss and every time you're together you're arguing." Said Leon.

"He's a nice guy if you get to know him..." Said Maria.

Leon stood up and grabbed his jacket off the chair beside him. It began to rain. It pounded on the window outside.

"If you don't want my help fine. But when he breaks your nose and your spirit, you'll have no one to blame but yourself." Said Leon, then he stormed out of the classroom leaving Maria alone for a moment. She followed him out the door and shouted at him from down the hall, "Fuck you!", this caused a group of students turned around to see the commotion.

Later on the bus home, the city bus, Leon pondered his lady love. She had a strong spirit. He watched people pass with umbrellas pass in blurring colors. When ever it rains, head lights in the cars seemed to shine brighter, especially the red ones. It was a good end to the day. It had a somberness to it. The rain softened things but people still went about their day. It was beautiful.

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