Chapter 8

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The following week at school was some what awkward. Leon still had yet to give Maria an answer. She also had yet to ask him again. She wouldn't even speak to him. They would share silent distant glances from across the room occasionally. The tension was too thick to cut through. But they were the only two who felt it.

It was almost scary how silent the two had become.

Something needed to be said.

Leon approached Maria out in the hall after class. She was talking to friends outside of class,but stepped aside with Leon.
They walked out of the school and into one of the back loading docks where trucks would bring in food.
It was one of the few places in the school that wasn't swarmed with people.

"What's up..." Said Maria.
"Did you mean what you said the other night ?" Asked Leon.
There was a small pause.


Leon leaned up against the dirty brick wall and looked at his feet.
Maria clutched her backpack strap.

Leon scanned the pretty young girl. Her short dark uniform skirt and red blazer. Her knee high stockings made her perfectly toned legs seem even longer. Her hair was in a pony and she was wearing glasses, which she hardly ever did.

"Okay...I'll go out with you." Leon smirked.
Maria blushed and stuttered.

" be honest I've wanted to ask you out for awhile...but I always thought you hated me." Said Leon as he approached her slowly.

"I just didn't want you to have to look out for me...I'm old enough to take care of myself." Said Maria as she backed up to the wall behind her.

Leon had her pressed up against the dirty brick wall of the loading dock.

Maria's pupils dilated and her heart began to race.
"You want me to walk you home ?" Asked Leon. He pressed his hand up against the wall next to Maria closing her in.
"Sure." She said.

The sun was setting and casted a beautiful glow onto the city. Maria held Leon's arm as they walked through the neighborhood.
It was the most love Leon had felt ever.
Someone who was just a stranger a few weeks ago was now willing to take part in a close relationship that could last for a while. That was beautiful to him.

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