Chapter 6

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When it comes to for ever, we should be together.

The house was packed. The party was filled mostly by seniors and they were all dressed in costumes. They were pressed together inside and outside on the patio. The music was thumping and strobe lights and lasers shot into the sky.
It was almost primal how everyone danced and grinded against each other.
It was also very beautiful how much lust could condensed into one place.

Alcohol was playing a factor. Girls stripped into their bras and panties and dove into the pool.

It was an orgy of emotion and a buffet social interaction.
Leon didn't know where to start, so he decided to bait himself and see what came to him.

He posted himself outside where the music was loudest.
What was playing wasn't exactly his cup of tea but it obviously had something that people liked.

Jon was in the kitchen, hitting on the drunk girls.
They lined the halls and were just about every where that could be seen in the houses parameters.

Only alcohol could push someone to dive into a pool in late October.
Maybe it was heated.
And why was it full now ?

These questions arose as Leon began to get bored.
He didn't want to drink.
And he was too socially awkward to talk to anyone.

Maybe he should make the first move.
The worst that could happen is that he would get rejected, go home, showers and masturbates before going to bed.

A girl in a white masquerade mask with black feathers and small black cocktail dress approached him.

"Hey Mr. Lonely." She said.
"Care to dance ?" She asked.
"I don't dance."
"You're not a lady killer are you." She asked.
"I guess not."

She got close to him and tried looking inside his mask.

"Who are you ?"

Leon was about to lift up his mask but stopped.

"Who are you ?"
"I asked you first."
Leon liked this girl.
"If you can guess, I'll dance with you."

The girl lifted up her mask.
Maria !

She lifted Leon's mask up a bit and planted a kiss softly onto his lips.
She scratched as his beard stubble and the kiss lingered.

"Maybe we could get to know each other more in private."  Said Maria.

"Really ? With a stranger ?"

"I know its you Leon... You're the only one in school who wears Doc Martens." She said.

Maria took his hand and lead him off.
They left the house and headed to the woods near by.

She ran a head of him and he ran through the dark red and yellow leaves to find her.
All he could hear was her laugh.

"If we're gonna talk lets talk." Shouted Leon at no one.

"Okay..." Maria walked out from behind a tree.

Leon folded his arms and leaned against one of the tall bare trees.

"I'm sorry for the kiss. It was out of know where." Said Maria.

"Have you been drinking ?"

Maria put her fingers together to indicate she had been a little.

"It was liquid courage...I wanted to ask you something..."

Maria bit her lip and looked down at her feet as she kicked the leaves on the ground.
Leon circled around her.

"You've been watching over me...looking out for me when I made stupid decisions... You're my knight in shining armor." Said Maria.

To Leon these were merely the works of a horny drunken teenage girl who had just gotten out of a bad relationship and was looking for love. Never the less there was a sense of authenticity to her words.

"I want to return the favor..."

Leon gulped as he knew what was coming next. Maybe.

Maria looked at him with her big round eyes that almost seemed to cut through the darkness of the cold autumn forest with their warmth. Her she spoke softly and the words dripped from her perfect full lips.

"Will you be my new boyfriend."

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