Chapter 14

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Time flew like a bird that had just been set free.
It was already summer vacation and Leon felt more and more worried for Maria as she would soon be leaving him.

They both sat together in the mall cafe in silence and watched the people go by.

" everything okay ?" Asked Maria.

"Yeah..." Leon said softly.

Maria sipped her coffee.
"So I'm going to New York...I'll have to take lots of pictures."

Leon looked at her and give her "I don't want to hear that" kind of look.

"How about we go to Ruby Beach tomorrow ?"

"What for ? I hate the beach." Said Leon.

"You don't have to get in the water...we'll go take a few friends... And just have fun."

Maria struggled to make eye contact with him.
"Sound good ?"


Leon adjusted himself in his chair.

"I've come to accept that you're leaving." He said.

"What do you mean ?"

Leon folded his arms.

"I can't stop you from living your dreams and I know you're a young woman who needs to be you have my blessing."

Maria felt a little hurt. Like he didn't mind that she was gone.

"Okay...I'm just going for school..."

"Well you don't need to worry about me... I'll have my own thing going on."

Maria felt a little stab in her chest.

"Well...that's the spirit..."

Maria stood up, "Um I gotta go...I'll text you when I get home." She said.

"Where are you going ?" Asked Leon.

"I've gotta see someone... Its kinda important..." Said Maria


She quickly walked out of the cafe.
Leon didn't even have time to say bye.


Leon thought.

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