Chapter 9

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A few months had passed. Maria and Leon's relationship was beginning to blossom. They spent nearly everyday together. It was strange for their peers to see two people who seemed hate each other so much and suddenly spend so much time alone together.
It was nearing spring break and the students were already making plans.

Maria and Leon sat in Maria's bedroom. It was much nicer than Leon's. There was all kinds of books and figures on her book shelf. Her bed was soft and neatly made. The white curtains billowed as a soft breeze came in from the window. It was quiet. All Leon could hear was the sound of Maria's breath while she laid on his chest. The orange light from the sunset outside cast phantom like shadows across the room.
"What do you want to do over the break ?" Asked Leon as he played with a lock of Maria's long black hair.
"I don't know... My parents haven't said anything...what do you think we should do ?"
"Like us together ?" Asked Leon.
"Why not...?"

Leon thought for a moment.
While he did Maria spoke.
"So I've started applying for colleges."

"Where do you wanna go ?"
"New York..." Said Maria hesitantly.
"But that's all the way across the country." Said Leon.
"I just thought it would be a nice experience...I'm mean its so full of culture and life."

Leon felt a pit grow in his stomach.
"So're just gonna break up with me when you leave ?"

"Of course not !" Said Maria.
Leon wondered what she meant.
"I'll just be going for school...I'll head back here for every break and I'll email you and Skype you every day." Explained Maria.

Leon got up from the bed and paced.
"What if you get hurt ? Who are you gonna live with ?" Asked Leon.

"I'll be staying with one of my cousins."
"How long are you gonna be there ?"
"Leon, I haven't even gotten in yet. Why are you freaking out ?"

She could see the panic in Leon's face.

"Because what if something happens to you...I'll be all alone." Shouted Leon.

"Keep your voice down..." Whispered Maria.

Maria stood up.
She held his hand looked into his eyes.
"I'll be okay...I'm not going to stop existing."
Leon got on his knees and hugged Maria's waist.
Maria was shocked. Leon really loved her. She didn't know how to react.
She just ran her fingers through his hair.
"I don't want anything to happen to you." Whispered Leon.
A pit grew in Maria's stomach.
She knew that Leon's feelings for her were much stronger than her feelings for Leon.

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