Chapter 22

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After a few stitches, Leon spent the whole night up.
He didn't want to call Maria.
He wanted to surprise her.

Leon felt manipulated.
He couldn't spend one more day without her knowing how she hurt him.
A violent rage sat in his stomach.

The next morning, Leon sat Maria's school outside her class. He waited until the class let up and she came out.
When he saw her, Leon's head began to spin. He felt nervous. He wanted to confront her. If he didn't he wouldn't be able to live with himself. His sweaty injured palm stung with anxiety as each step drew him closer to Maria who was walking away from him, completely unaware he was there.
He reached a hand out but stopped himself.
She isn't worth it.
Leon thought he made a mistake coming to New York. He looked at his bloody hand and watched Maria fade from his sight.
He walked away in the opposite direction.
If he was going to do something, it wouldn't make him feel better. The whole trip was stupid. He wasted Jon's time and his own.

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