Chapter 1: Too Early.

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Demi woke to the crying of her 1 year old son across the hall, she let out a 'hmm' as she knew he'd wake up crying. She'd only just fell asleep even though it's 3:21am and now she had to go to an interview today tired as hell. She sighed before walking across the hall, her sons loud cries starting to get quieter as he heard her coming.

"Baby boy, what's the matter now?" She walked into the baby blue room full of baby toys and teddy bears. Then his cot on the other side of the room were he was standing up with the help of the bars across it to keep him in, she picked him up gently and placed him on her hips. He only says one words and he mainly just shouts, "Momma." And giggles.

"Alright, let's get you bottle then huh?" He lets out a squeal as Demi carried him down the spiral stairs, rubbing her tired eyes before sighing. It was hard work just like Demi thought it would be, but her mom and Dallas are always there to help. When the world found out they went crazy but when Demi and Wilmer split they instantly thought Demi cheated and it wasn't Wilmer's, Demi never told them the truth. She's never spoke about Wilmer since then and when an interviewer brings him up she just says 'I'm not going to answer that question.'

The world was shocked when they found out Demi and Wilmer split as people thought they was most likely to be the ones that stayed together and Demi cried going through Twitter seeing her fans post pictures of her and Wilmer with the caption 'What happened?'. If Demi could take what she said to Wilmer back she thinks she would off because of were Wilmer is now, he's probably in a club grinding on some girl. Demi shook the thought out of her head as her jealousy rised, every time she seen Wilmer on the news all her feelings for him came back but she told herders she wouldn't cry anymore.

Carter, their son looks just like Wilmer and every time Demi stares at him she remembers the day Wilmer first seen Carter in the court and he held for a while but because he was drunk she had to quickly grab him away form Wilmer which made his heart break more seeing Demi walk out with him. He begged her running out after him and actually got down on his knees but Demi just shook her head and pulled him up, 'You didn't do anything wrong Wilmer! Don't beg me to come back because you were a perfect fiancé, move on. Stop coming back to me.' And she was right, it wasn't Wilmer's fault but he still begged for her back anyway. Wilmer wasn't the same anymore and he wasn't the same guy Demi fell in love with, he was the guy that Demi thought she'd changed but he went from being that caring guy in the world to being the biggest asshole that everybody now hates for his ways.

"I'm sorry that you couldn't see your daddy, but he's not good for us right now." Dem I whispered to her son as Wilmer came on the TV as she warmed up Carters bottle, looking back it showed up on E! News. 'Wilmer Valderrama at it again?' Demi sighed when she seen photos of Wilmer leaving the club drum and swearing at Papparazi, mumbling a 'Your making it worse.' She shook her head and gave the now warm bottle to Carter making him instantly grab it with the help of Demi letting him drink it, his eyes instantly closing back over while playing with the end of Demi's short hair. He's in a phase were to fall asleep he had to twirl your hair which Demi said was weird but Diana said it was normal.

"Wilmer Valderrama exited a club In L.A alone for once this time but when Papparazi mentioned his ex fiancé, Singer Demi Lovato Wilmer went to punch a pap but was pulled back by his friends who dragged him to the car and out of the spotlight. Do you guys think Demi Lovato's the cause for his behaviour?" Demi instantly switched of the TV with a look of disgust on her face, she hated when they'd blame her but it had Wilmer's doing too, he chose to go back to drinking. Humming while rocking Carter back to sleep in the kitchen as she knew she wouldn't sleep all night now.

"Is it my fault that daddy's like this?" She asked the 1 year old that eyes closed and bottle fell to the floor, knowing he couldn't understand her she sighed and picked the bottle up before walking back upstairs. Tucking him back into his cot and making sure his monitor is on before walking to her room to check hers.

They have so many unresolved issues to talk about and for the past 2 years it's been twirling around in her head ever since she walked out on him leaving everyone in shock and breaking Wilmer. Demi know regretted walking out like that as they didn't know what to do with there past anymore, Wilmer is still holding on as Demi's trying to forget it which is hard with our child. The worst part was Skylar, it was her fault she'd been left alone and had no dad anymore that was there to hold her when she was crying or cuddle at night with her until she fell asleep... She was alone and scared wherever she was.

Demi had gotten used to the empty bed, not waking up to the kisses of Wilmer, his smell intoxicating her, his calming her down when she's made by holding her while crying or giving her massages when her muscles were tense. He was the perfect guy and in 2 seconds it all changed when she slipped the ring of her finger and onto the floor, and then left without a word. Now her sister had to come over whenever she was freaking out or was having bad thoughts, not Wilmer.

Wilmer lay in bed that night, his head banging as he drank coffee after coffee to help him sober up which he thought was working as he remembered everything from tonight and it wasn't a good sign. Why did I freak out over her? Wilmer sighed to himself as he knew he made it worse as the world could no judge Demi which was nothing what he wanted, it wasn't her fault and Wilmer knew that.

Looking through pictures of a website form 2 days ago when Demi was out with Carter who Wilmer hadn't seen since he was born made him smile at the sight of Demi. Her skin was glowing and the sparkle in her eyes showed she was happy as she watched Carter run around the park, she was happy? That was the farthest thing from happy as his son and Demi played around in the park.

"I couldn't give him that. I'm a mess but I don't know how to get myself together." Wilmer whispered to himself as he looked down to the diamond engagement ring which was once on his love of his life's finger but it all fell down. I don't know what I did thought to fix it? Wilmer thought to himself as he tried to remember one thing that went wrong in the relationship, it wasn't me? It was because I proposed in front of the world and then everybody seen her pregnant? Wilmer came up with random explanations in his head before his phone started ringing form beside him.

"Look if this is a woman I slept with, I'm sorry! I was drunk and I don't remember you so-" Wilmer was stopped as he heard the voice he'd always wanted to here since the day they parted.

"- Well we have got a child, are you regretting it?" He heard a giggle down the line but he heard the tiredness in the voice that was saying it as it was only 4am which isn't a normal time to call anybody but he suddenly jumped form his spot and paced around the room. All the words he wanted to say to her the past years vanished as he started shaking, he didn't want her to end the call. He tried to think of words to ask her before he could think he heard the angelic voice speak through the phone again.

"Is it my fault?"

Old Ways.(Sequel To Secret Daughter) Demi Lovato FanFic.Where stories live. Discover now