Chapter 15: Never Forgot.

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Demi waited for Wilmer's car to arrive as she was dressed in a red dress and heels with not so much make up on as she didn't want to get dressed up a lot, it's to like it was there first time going on a date. Marissa stayed to look after Carter but he was already asleep so she didn't have much to do except make up jokes about Demi and Wilmer, laughing at her own joke as Demi rolled my eyes at her.

Demi's heart was pounding from nerves as she wanted this date to go great, but knowing Wilmer he'd always screw it up which is why she was no nervous. She didn't want to make Wilmer feel bad as she thought about where he could possibly be taking her, she suspected somewhere horrible. Soon as Wilmer's car pulled up she was off shouting a 'See Ya' and out the door and running into Wilmer's arms which he had to place his hand on her hips to hold her up. He smiled as soon as he seen her and gave her a peck on her lips making Demi pout,

"Is that all I get?" Wilmer chuckled at Demi before pressing his lips down on Demi's with much force but Demi loved it, the roughness as it made her arousal go through the roof. Stepping away and into the car Demi and Wilmer heard Marissa shout,

"Demi, did you make sure to pack the condoms I bought you last Christmas? They came in handy when you two was together a couple nights ago." Demi muttered curse words about why she couldn't have a better best friend but of course didn't mean it as Wilmer chuckled at how true Marissa was. As Demi blushed and rose her middle finger to Marrisa only receiving a chuckle back but Wilmer smirked as he started the car, pulling out of the drive way.

"Damn, it was so damn true what she said!" Demi muttered and Wilmer laughed, at least he knew where she had the condoms from the other night as he was thinking of bad thoughts such as thinking she had been with other guys. He held her hand the whole drive making her bite her lip at how cute and romantic he was trying to be.

"At least I know why you had them now." Wilmer replied and Demi gave Wilmer a soft squeeze on his hand making him look up to her, confused for a second before smiling. He loved how they didn't have to communicate using words as he already understood her from just a look she gave him, that's when you know you've found your soul mate.

Wilmer suddenly arrived at a restaurant and Demi's nose scrunched in disgust but from the corner of her eye seeing Wilmer frown she put on a fake smile as Wilmer went sprung her side to allow her out. She hated going on dinner dates in classy restaurants and Wilmer should know that, well she thought he knew but obviously didn't saw he stepped in. Giving in his name they were seated immediate as everybody knew who they were, Demi hadn't been keeping up with Social media much but a lot of fans have been suspicious about the two and even #DilmerBackTogether trended worldwide on Twitter.

Wilmer's thought of Demi not being happy came to mind as he stared over at the woman that wasn't smiling at all, infect she looked bored and even though he hated classy restaurants he thought that Demi and him were now older and suppose to go to these. Damn Ashton! Wilmer thought as Ashton was the one that told him to take her here, Ashton reasoned to Wilmer that know they're older and got a child Demi had grown up and want to come here and even when Wilmer knew Demi hated these kind of restaurants he still took her.

"What's wrong?" Wilmer sighed when he knew he messed up when Demi turned towards him, her hand resting on her chin as she smiled but it wasn't fooling anyone. Wilmer knew she was bored and wanted to make it right, he raised his eyebrow and not long Demi immediately broke telling him.

"You brought me to a boring restaurant?" Demi questioned, the disgusted look on her face was evident as she looked around at the people dressed up. They all looked stuck up, like they hadn't seen a poor person and even though we had money Demi hated that kind of people.

"I thought because we was older I had to bring you here?" Wilmer thought making Demi burst out laughing and people around her to give her a disgusted look, only to have Demi stick her tongue out at them like a child. She really is a child. Wilmer smiled at the older woman before shaking his head at her immaturity, she could be immature at times but Wilmer knew how mature Demi really was. With a child she had to be mature and grow up a lot in the past years which Wilmer missed.

"Babe, we're not older! I never want to come to a restaurant because there so boring, I mean I've just stuck my tongue out a somebody!" Wilmer chuckled and suddenly felt bad for bringing her there.

"So I wasn't suppose to bring you here?" Demi shook her head, no making Wilmer sighed and when the waitress came over and smiled biting her lip thinking it was sexy but Wilmer pulled away. She instantly smiled at Wilmer, not giving Demi any attention but Wilmer stood up,

"Sorry, I'm taking me and my girlfriend out of here." He smiled sarcastically at the woman before grabbing Demi's hand as she smirked at the woman. Winking before Wilmer held her hand while walking out of the restaurant, Demi thought back to how he said 'girlfriend' and would have to ask him about it later but instantly use felt as if her insides were on fire of being his girlfriend again.

"Where to now?" Demi asked as Wilmer scratched the back of his head, he hadn't thought about where next but instantly looked down the road to the beach. Spending the rest of the night there would be fine and at the corner seen a pizza shop, he'd been to the pizza shop so many times and it was really good so he decided on doing that.

"I hadn't planned this out but now where going to get pizza and sit on the beach." Demi giggled and walked with Wilmer hand in hand as the sun was pulling in. She never mind sitting with him on the beach And actually she'd love doing that with him and cuddling in a secluded area than being with a bunch of fancy people which even though Demi had money, she would never become. Shivers came soon and Wilmer, wearing a suit as he tried to fancy but Demi didn't mind as she loved him in suits, it made him look sexy when she was taking it off- Nope, Demi told herself she wouldn't sleep with him tonight and that's how it was staying. He handed her his jacket as she immediate wrapped around her before walking into the empty pizza parlour. Leaving the car at the place as they decided to walk, it wasn't far and there was no point taking the car.

"So, How's our date so far?" Wilmer asked after talking about random things as they now sat on the beach eating pizza and drinking Coke, Demi's feet in the sand as she loved the feeling of it against her skin. Wilmer loosened his tie around him and unbuttoned his top button which he was struggling to breath from and Demi smirked at how sexy he looked.

"Wilmer, Please take me." Oh god not this... Wilmer seen Demi's lust filled eyes but knew she was just teasing him. Wilmer remembered once when Demi told him she'd never have sex in public which sometimes she broke but defiantly not a beach, Wilmer pulled her in for a kiss as she wrapped her hands sound his neck.

"We might finish it later." Wilmer smiled and Demi nodded, agreeing with him before laying her head on his chest. Demi remembered she hadn't answered Wilmer's question form before but honestly, the date went amazing. How they talked about anything and everything they thought of and laughed when each over said something stupid while eating pizza on a beach, which she never thought of Wilmer would do. How it could go form bad to amazing in moments is amazing.

"Amazing! Thank you so much, I loved every moment." Wilmer smiled at how he didn't make himself look like a fool, it was actually okay but had to remind himself to kick Ashton's are as he lied to him cause, maybe their relationships different to ours. Wilmer thought and nodded at his explanation, theirs was so much more passion and even though Wilmer didn't know what relationship they were in at the moment he was loving every moment.

"Stop it! Your being mean-" They heard a little girl squeal while running across the beach and instantly both their hearts stopped when she fell into them, muttering an apology before going to run away but Wilmer kept hold of her. She didn't look at them as her smile was behind them as she was looking at her guardian chasing her behind but Wilmer turned her face towards him and her eyes widen at them.

"Skylar, Princess?"

Old Ways.(Sequel To Secret Daughter) Demi Lovato FanFic.Where stories live. Discover now