Chapter 25: Give Up.

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Finally at 10pm the California show had finished, with Demi Ho,ding her sleeping 1 year old she didn't have time to talk to Wilmer because Skylar was sleeping on his lap and every time she turned towards him he'd look away. Demi thought he was acting childish, everybody stood up to go including Marissa and Max but rushed of throughout the park, not wanting to to stay in the awkward silence.

"Wilmer, your being childish." Demi muttered, she was tried but wanted to sort out the argument between the two. She hated how they always managed to get into arguments after they'd been great together all day but Demi blamed herself for the arguing. They walked throughout the park with the lamps guiding them out as it was completely dark at the moment.

"Demi, don't talk to me. You do this all the time, I'm sick of it. Sometimes I wonder if we should even be together but then I remind myself I love you, then you go and do that. I try so hard in our relationship Demi but are you trying at all?" Demi knew this wasn't one of the fights they'd had, she'd gotten Wilmer riled up and he wasn't backing down this time.

"I do try Wilmer, it's hard to do so when we're always dodging obstacles. When are we going to have our perfect family? Every time we work things out something goes wrong, every fucking time! I want to be with you Wilmer, it's just- we never spend time together. It's always Skylar, Carter or our jobs and now our new baby, I want time alone! Please don't leave me." That's when Demi fell apart, tears fell from her eyes as they entered the hotel but Wilmer couldn't hug her as the two children in their arms would wake up. He caught the love in her eyes and admiration but knew she was stressed with the two children and her job.

"Tell me what you want Demi, I'll give you it!" Wilmer asked with sincerity in his voice, holding his daughter who was laying against his shoulder with his hand across her back to keep her steady he took his other one and linked his and Demi's together. She wasn't struggling as much with Carter as he was still small and she only had to lay a hand on his bottom as his small but chubby hands was loosely around her neck while he shored softly. They entered the lift and Demi couldn't wait to get in bed and talk to Wilmer on her own.

"I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure on anything. I don't know what to do." She whispered, pleading him with her eyes to guide her with him. He only nodded in reply while gripping Demi's hand tighter in his, while exiting the lift Demi remembered she'd have to talk to Skylar.

"Skylar's not talking to me because I shouted at you. What she said was true, I always throw things back in your face when you do something amazing and to help me but I never see that. I'm sorry for that. I have my doubts which I wish I didn't have but sometimes I can't help it, but I promise you if I've got something I'm holding in ill tell you. I promise to try more with our relationship, stop leaving you out in the cold or hurting you for doing something good for me. If my 6 year old daughter can figure it out then why couldn't I? I love you, Wilmer. Sometimes I wonder if we're ever going to be able to have things for ourself because we have never had more than a week together!" Before Wilmer could talk again Demi stopped him, taking their children into the apartment and into the the cot for Carter and Single bed for Skylar. After laying them in bed and making sure they was comfortable for the night Demi kissed both heads, before walking out after Wilmer. Wilmer lead her towards their bedroom for the 2 weeks which Demi was confused about but as she sat on the bed Wilmer sat behind her, suddenly a soft moan escaped Demi's mouth as she felt Wilmer's hands giving her tense neck and shoulders a massage. She relaxed against Wilmer while softly stroking his leg for comfort while closing her eyes at the relaxing feeling.

"Thank you, baby." Demi whispered, turning a little to give Wilmer a peck on the cheek making him smile. He though of an idea for Demi and him, to give Demi and him a break and Wilmer thought it was an amazing idea. He suddenly got excited to tell Demi but shut his mouth to tell her in the morning, as he knew she was tired at the moment.

"To what I was saying moments ago. To make it up to Sky, I know how much she wants to feel apart of this family more because I'm not her mom and I want to make her feel like she is. I see the way she stares at Carter with envy and I'm sure you have too so... I want to adopt her, have full custody of her." Wilmer's mouth dropped open in shock, him and Demi had spoken about it but that was before they'd broken up for 2 years. He never thought she'd say that.

"Baby! Oh my god. That is amazing! Adopt!" Demi chuckled at Wilmer's excitement, he'd stopped massaging her and turned her around to him. To figure out what they way going to do now and Wilmer but his lip to stop the words falling from his mouth about what his plan was.

"We can tell her in the morning, also we should tell her that I'm pregnant Wilmer because I can assure you she would be happy." The smile on Demi's face never fell as Wilmer rubbed his hand across her stomach softly and Demi enjoyed the feeling. Wilmer noticed her stomach swelling a little and as he was going to kiss her senseless and until her lungs burned, he didn't want to make her feel insecure so he kept it to himself.

"Oh, I would want to inform her on something else tomorrow too. Along with telling you that I can figure a way to resolve our problem about not getting enough time together, you'll be happy don't worry." Demi instantly wanted to know what it was so questioned him on it all night but he didn't fall, she even attacked him with pillows but he only laughed and threw them back at her.

"Please, I really want to know! I'm so excited." Demi clapped her hands together but Wilmer only pulled her against his chest to lay beside her. He still had to ask around a few people to make it work but he knew it would, he made a mental note that he'd ring home tomorrow to sort everything out.

"Oh baby, it'll be amazing." Wilmer kissed Demi's head softly as he watched her slowly drift of to sleep while he ran his fingers up and down her arm to comfort her. He always knew it would work, once he knew she was asleep he picked his home from beside him to text his cousin and Marissa.

Marissa & Sacco- I need both of your help. I want to take Demi away from everything for 2 weeks after Disney land.-

Old Ways.(Sequel To Secret Daughter) Demi Lovato FanFic.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ