Chapter 31: Strong Relationship.

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Wilmer impatiently tapped his foot against the hospital floor, his trembling body wasn't ready for the news ahead and Demi and his family new that as they watching the terrified man. All in one waiting room as it was a private part of the building, Wilmer's mom rubbed Wilmer's back softly to calm him but it wasn't working.

They'd been in the hospital for 4 hours and Wilmer was wondering why it was taking so long hug to him 1 minute felt like an hour, everything was in slow motion to him. After the doctor took Demi away Wilmer called everybody immediately and now with his sleeping daughter beside him and his 1 year old not knowing what was happening was giggling around the hospital floor. Wilmer's eyes were bloodshot as he wondered where his fiancé was and what was happening.

"What is taking so long?!" Wilmer lashed out for the nth time, which was resulted in Sacco calming him down. Every minute that passed was scaring him more but finally  he heard the door open and his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach when he heard a crying Demi. Wilmer rushed off his feet and towards the drop where he heard the new hug was stopped by doctor who gave him a frown.

"I'm so sorry sir, if a pregnancy ends before the 24th week of pregnancy, it's called a miscarriage. Miscarriages are quite common in the first three months of pregnancy and around one in five confirmed pregnancies ends this way. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Yours was a miscarriage, there was nothing we could do. This was an early stage and your baby wasn't fully developed, Demi's pregnancy was only 13 weeks." Wilmer let out a shaky breath before pushing past the man and towards Demi's cries.

"W-Wil." Demi cried out once she seen him and he seen her laying upon the hospital bed, he was by her side on an instant. Stroking her cheek as he whispered everything will be fine, that it wasn't nobody's fault before looking down to her bump. It wasn't even a bump anymore which made him let out a choked sob at how he wanted her pregnancy to be perfect and he'll get the chance to be with her along the journey but he wasn't.

"We'll make it through together!" Wilmer whispered, he softly stroked his fingers through her hair and continued to kiss her head for comfort as the woman continued to cry against him.
Demi and Wilmer slept in the hospital over night but either of them had any sleep, Demi silently sobbed as Wilmer held her as he didn't no anything else to do for her. He didn't know what to do but when morning came nobody had been in the room, Marissa took the 2 kids home as it wouldn't be help if they seen Demi and him in a bad state. Finally, he decided to get up and sign out from the hospital as it was no point being there anymore.

"Baby, were going home. Come on." Wilmer whispered but Demi wouldn't budge, she stayed laying on the uncomfortable bed with thoughts rushing through her mind and tears stained her face as she couldn't cry no more. Wilmer had walked out of the room but only to be stopped by the doctor with a sad smile and papers in his hands.

"T-thank you for everything." Wilmer whispered, trying to smile a little but it didn't work. Signing the papers and without a word Demi came out of the room but only to fall in Wilmer's arms, he didn't hesitate to pick her off the floor and into his arms bridal style. He noticed a few people from hours ago when he first came in who smiled at him and he walked past with Demi throughout the hospital.

"Do you want something to eat before we get on the plane?" Wilmer whispered to Demi, knowing she hasn't spoke to him at all throughout the night and was starting to worry. With Demi only shaking her head he sighed at the lack of communication, without words he placed her into the car while he went to the other side.

"Where's my two children?" Demi spoke up after Wilmer had started driving, he turned towards her before turning back to the road. A frown was evident on Wilmer's face as he didn't know now what would happen now, if Demi would push him away or allow him to help her through it as he was going through the same thing.

"Our two children, Demi. There meeting us at the airport with your and my family, they packed our stuff for us." Wilmer held Demi's hand and one hand one the steering wheel as he drove but Demi was quick to pull it away which made Wilmer's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"Why did you pull away? Are you going to ignore me now?" Wilmer asked with fury in his eyes as the woman continued to ignore him, his grip tightened on the steering wheel till it turned white. Great, everything was turning out good. Wilmer knew by that reaction she did meant she was going to ignore people and shut them out.

"Great. It's not like I'm going through the same thing, Demi why can't you talk to me?" Silence. Wilmer shook his head in disapproval at Demi's way of grieving for it, the rest of the ride was silent. When they arrived it was relief when no paps was at the entry and even though he wasn't happy with Demi he still held her bridal style through the airport and even with the weird looks people gave him he felt Demi smile slightly against him.

"Momma!" Skylar's voice was heard as they stepped throughout security which Demi had to let go of Wilmer but his arm was still around her waist as they both went through. There families waiting at the tunnel for them with frowns or sad smiles on there face while Skylar ran to Demi's leg.

"Princess, come on. Watch momma, she's not feeling very well." Wilmer tried to approach the situation calmly but Skylar ignore Wilmer and held her arms up for Demi which she took as she didn't want to hurt her daughters feelings. Wilmer walked up to his family but told them not to talk to Demi because she's not in the right mind so even her family didn't talk to her and walked onto the flight as he waited for Demi.

"Daddy, I'm going in the tunnel." Skylar giggled and waved to her dad as she ran away throughout it but he knew security was on the other side to help her onto the flight. Finally Demi was picking her phone and keys up from the bench before walking to Wilmer, before she could walk past him he gripped her waist close to him.

"Will we get through this Wilmer? I was hesitating at first to have this baby but I did want him or her, I wanted to hold them and show off to the world but now I can't..." Demi broke down in Wilmer's arms again and he lifted her into his arms with a kiss on the cheek.

"We will Demi, I promise you. We've been through so much and our relationship is stronger than ever, we can handle it. I wanted to as well baby, I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms and be with you throughout the pregnancy as I wasn't last time with Carter. I'm with you throughout it, just please don't push me away."

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