Midnight Adventures

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"Oi Kaito, wake up"You whispered to the blue haired boy who was drooling on his crisp white pillow. Flicking his forehead multiple times, his eyelids slowly revealed his crystal blue eyes. 

"Lets go, were suppose to train remember?"You made sure to talk in a hushed tone of voice to avoid the other boys from waking up. Kaito groaned but nodded his head in agreement. 

"I'll wait for you outside"You stepped away from his bed and slowly walked to the door. Opening it, you quickly slipped outside and waited for Kaito. 


"Ahh, I miss this"Your finger tips grazed the dancing leaves as the wind lightly passed by. Kaito nodded as he ran his fingers through his fluffy blue hair. 

"Do you think were far away enough?"Kaito looked around the woods not seeing the Survey Corps HQ anywhere. You nodded your head in agreement and began transforming. With eyes closed, your teeth suddenly felt sharp against the inside of your mouth. Opening your eyes, instead of those pretty (e/c) irises. Two different colors lay present, blood red on the right, electric blue on the left. Cracking all your stiff limbs you felt different, you felt free unlike before. 

(Btw: When you transform(Kaito too), your still in human form. You just get ears, tail, hella sharp teeth etc.Like the pic above)

"Yah, lets have a race?We haven't had one in a while"Kaito grinned showing his k-9 like teeth. His eyes changed into a pretty purple color with a hint of grey in them. His ears and tail were a midnight blue color with white frosted on the top. 

As for you, your left ear was colored blood red and your right was electric blue. The opposite side of your eyes. Your tail was a mix of the two colors creating a fiery cool ombre effect.

"Why not?I'll beat you anyway!"Kaito cockily said. You smirked at the idiot male. 

"Have you already forgotten?I always won our little races Kaito, this one is not going to be different"

"Your not funnnnn"Kaito pouted crossing his arms over his chest. You smirked and winked at him before standing in a ready position. 

"Ya think you can run all the way to the walls?"You squinted your eyes at the walls that lay far away from where you two were standing. 


"Last one there has to do everything the other person says for a whole week!"

"Your on!"


The both of you took off leaving a trail of dust each step you took. Kaito grinned waving his arms around the place feeling free and worry free. You laughed at him as he almost tripped by an 'evil branch' as he would call it. 

Almost hallway to the walls, you weren't breaking a sweat. This was easy, you've done this multiple times alone before you reunited with Kaito. However, said male was starting to slow down, his breathing getting heavier everyone moment. 

"You wanna stop and take a break?"You called out to Kaito who was a sweating mess.(Like Bertolt)

"N-Nah!Le-Let-opfft!"Kaito fell face first because of 'evil branches brother'

"*Face palm*Your such an idiot"You helped Kaito up making him flustered. One because he fell in front of his crush, and two because she's helping him up! 

"But I'm a cute idiot"Kaito made a smug look on his face making you think hes anything but cute. 

"Totally"You rolled your eyes before smirking and going into a running stance. 

"Ready?Lets go before su-"Having a hard time finishing your sentence. You felt a small prick on the back of your neck.....then everything went black. 

Bittersweet Memories (Eren x Reader x Levi)(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now