Underground Part 1

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"Underground?..."Levi mumbled under his breath, flashes of memories flowing through his mind. 

"Lets get going then, we have to save (Y/n)"Eren suddenly stood up his seat his fist balled up. Erwin stood up following Eren's actions. 

"Levi...you used to live there. Would you have any idea where Vaughn would hold (Y/n)?"Levi shrugged his shoulders not having a clue since that place was filled with trouble anyway. 

"We'll make this a secret mission, no one shall know about this"Erwin ordered, everyone nodded worried for their friend.


Pain suddenly interrupted your restless sleep. Your cheek throbbed rapidly, you could already feel a bruise forming there. You tried lifting your arm to punch the one who slapped you until you realized that you were tied up to a chair. 

"Look at me PRINCESS"A sinister laugh followed through. A fist harshly landed on your chin bringing you to look up at the assaulter. Blood dripped down from the side of your mouth. 

"Beautiful!!!!ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!"Vaughn maniacally laughed. You spat out the blood filling up your mouth. 

"Say something, ANYTHING!"You grit your teeth in anger. 



"Is that any way to talk to your lover?"Vaughn roughly grabbed your chin to look at him. You tried shaking him off as his face neared yours. 

"Get....Off....Of ME!"You head butted him making him back off and growl at you. 

"You little BITCH!"As if time slowed down, you could see Vaughns hand lift up getting ready to slap you. Closing your eyes, already anticipating the slap. It never came, instead someone lifted you off of the seat. Arms wrapped around your bruised figure, opening your eyes. You were carried by an unfamiliar male with dark blonde hair and stormy grey eyes.

He had a familiar feeling that you couldn't place. You felt as if you met someone like him.   

"Your fine, it will all be okay"He said in a soft but solid tone. 

"Who are you?"

"Farlan, Farlan Church"

Bittersweet Memories (Eren x Reader x Levi)(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now