Chapter 7

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Sometimes getting out of bed was hard because it was just so damn comfortable. It wasn't until I heard a loud clatter coming from the kitchen did I jump out if bed grabbing my shotgun I ran in the kitchen and Gee Jeffree Ronnie Andy Juliet Alice Lillie my Sister Ashley Jake CC Jinxx Kellin Vic Mixi Ash Costello Jacky Vincent Ryan Seman and Ashton, Alice's boyfriend. They were all talking and acting like nothing happened so I tried to run back to the bedroom but I failed in doing so. I ran and then forgot I closed the door. SMACK!! GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING DOOR ALWAYS IN MY MOTHERFUCKING WAY !! And my bipolar self still had the gun with me I opened the door and stomped in closing the door and sliding down at the foot if it. fuck !! I needed to get dressed and shit I'm pretty sure my knuckles were red I kinda punched the door there is a visible crack in it There was a soft knock. Ari ? My sister. What ? Can I come in. If this is some kind of intervention type shit you need to fuck off. No its not an intervention just please open the door. She paused. For me. I sighed and opened the door and then I pulled her into my room and shut and locked the door. Talk to me I went into my closet to pick out clothes well Ronnie called me last night and um... I threw on my favorite TPR shirt and black skinny jeans and stepped out. um he said you umm. SPIT IT OUT GOD DAMNIT TAYLOR NICHOLE. HE SAID HE FOUND YOU PASSED OUT WITH AN EMPTY BOTTLE OF JACK DANIELS. I was pissed he called my sister? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE TAYLOR SO WHAT I SMOKE ALOT OF CIGARETTES AND DRINK WAY TO MUCH AND USE A WIDE VARIETY OF DRUGS. I had to turn away from her for a minute so I could try to quit screaming. I took a deep breathe and said You know me better than mom and you know what I'm scared of. But I just kept thinking and this medicine doesn't fucking help. I had sat down by the wall she sat next to me and just hugged me. My sister has seen me at my worst she's the only one I allowed to see me like this. I'm fucking crazy Tay I try so hard but I don't want to be stuck in this house all day like mom was. I mean you know me I have to have something to distract me from myself. She just nodded. I was standing up again. We both know how I have to be doing something constantly to keep my mind in check so what I drank a bit to much and I did clean and I did take 3 to many sleeping pills last night. I had my back to her while I looked out the window. Do you rember when I said when I get older I would end being your pimp ? Yeah. Now I'm the bottom bitch and life's my pimp. And he's a good pimp just works me hard. Ari you could have just called me and I could have got your mind off it. I turned to face her you have basketball and I don't want to worry you. She stood up your my little sister, I may not like you at times but I still worry about you. I hugged her thanks Tay. Why are all those people here I have no clue. I'm going to get ready I have a place I need to go today. where is that ? I need to change my guitar strings on Uncles Acoustic. Oh okay I put on my eyeliner on and slipped into my combat boots and my leather jacket I grabbed my purse and walked out. Taylor followed me. Bitch you coming she looked at Ronnie nah I'll stay whatever bitch I said grabbing my charger keys off the hook and everyone was still in the kitchen so I snook out and got in my car as quietly as possible I knew it would be loud starting and so I started it up but my seat belt on put in my CD with all my favorite songs on it and turned the volume up. The first song to play was Call me When you're sober by evanescence I backed out of the driveway I said I was going to get guitar strings. I lied I was going on a little drive.

We all heard explosive yelling from Ari and her sister Andy looked at me with sad eyes I had everyone over because I was throwing a house party for Ari it was 1pm she slept late 10 minutes later I heard a car start and her sister walked into the kitchen where is she going ? I felt my heart race. She needs to run some errands just let her have some time to herself and shell be fine well I guess well just party without her fuck that said Ashely let's go clubbing I can get us in the best club in town Yeah we all said this would be interesting.

8 hours later
It was 9 o clock I was getting gas I had watched the sun set at the beach and drove around all day I did buy my guitar strings and now I was on my way towards home I was 2 hours away from LA saturday night traffic would be a bitch but whatever I payed and got back in the car and decided I was hungry I drove to an I hop to go eat by myself I walked in the waitress said hi how many more are you waiting on just me I said oh poor thing right this way she led me to a table near the back what can I get you to drink sweet tea please okay I'll be back in a few minutes to get your order thanks was all I could say it was raining outside I already new I wanted chicken and waffles so I went on Instagram scrolling through my feed I saw Ronnie and the party were out clubbing I liked the photo and left "roadways are but stones and gravel I love you more than I can ever scream" I hope he would see it. I took a photo of the rain outside the I-Hop in black and white captioned I Hop is the real club, turn up. And the waitress came by and said alright sweetheart a pretty girl like you doesn't come to a resteraunt by herself at night what happened well I just had to get out and I just needed something to take my mind off of things my boyfriends out with his friends and here I am it will be alright sweetie so what can I get you chicken and waffles please okay she said going back to the kitchen area and I just pulled my book out of my purse I was reading The Beautiful Lands it was such a good book



we all took a ubers to the club I had just gotten back home I was so drunk Ari was still gone maybe I should call her and so I did she answered there was loud music playing but more sad music and then it got quiet hey babe I said hey I'm stuck I'm traffic I drove all the way down to East Anaheim damn I said Babe you sound drunk as fuck I am I said laughing she said well I should be home soon don't stay up if you don't want to alright babe see you when you get home love you bye. And now we just wait.

2 AM

I tried walking into the house quietly but I'm Ari I'm clumsy. I turned the light on Gee was passed out on the couch next to Ronnie weird oh well more me time then. I went to my room and shut the door and dug around for my bath bombs I finally found one and drew a bubble bath I got in and just looked at Instagram while I listened to orchestra music. Its the moments like these I enjoy. The small things that I forget so easily are the memories I enjoy the absolute most. Is life so dear or peace so sweet? To be payed at the price of slavery and chains ? Got it new tattoo sketch I washed up and put my pajamas on A big Slipknot shirt with yoga pants I grabbed my sketch book and sat on the floor and sketched it out it had two crows carrying the rebel flag with that under it. I'd get it tomorrow maybe Ronnie would be up to it who knows I walked silently to the bedroom and sugar was in her bed and deliah on her bed its been a long 13 hour day

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