Chapter 21

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I had strung up all the lights and the DJ just got here and finally the door bell rang Ronnie was already pouring drinks I walked to the door. Took a deep breath and answered it. Hey guys come on in. Lillie, Alice and her boyfriend, Andy , Juliet ,Vic, Kells, and a bunch of liquor came in. The next people in was The rest of BVB , FIR , and all of New years day , the pretty reckless, Twenty one piolits , Panic at the disco (well Brendon Urie and Sarah Urie) , Stitched up heart, Frances Cobain , Fall out Boy , The rest of MCR , and lastly Jeffree Star.

I stood up on a small platform by the fireplace we had pushed the couches against the walls and the tables were put up. ALRIGHT BITCHES the noise died down. Tonight is the night where we are going to forgot all responsibilities. Tonight is the night we all show our rebel motherfucking high school selves. TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT WE PARTY TO WE FUCKING DROP !! CAN I GET A HELL YEAH ?!? everyone shouted HELL YEAH. TO THE BOOZE !!
People began swarming to the kitchen Ronnie was acting as party mom until Lillie felt like it. I talked to the DJ my sister and I had our own little sister dance to a certain Beyonce song. I put in the request with the DJ and found Tay

He's going to play our song. Fuck yeah we high fived. You got the kicks right. Hell yeah I led her into my room and we found our high heels I had her pair so I put mine on everyone was in the living room which was acting as our dance floor the fireplace that separated it from the kitchen was our entrance point we stood behind the fire place and then the first notes came on. We both stepped out. Me in my slutty ass dress and her in her slutty ass dress. We started our little dance and when it came to the march she was on one side of the floor and I on the other we both strutted towards each other stopping to do the moves. And finally it got back to the chorus where we did the tricky stuff I kicked my shoes off and I jumped up and she boosted me into the air and the song was over I hopped down and the room was full of applause. I grabbed a drink and drank it up. I went in my room. And got out a little bit of the fun stuff I was making space cakes.


Okay Guys it is almost 12 and what do we do at 12 I watched Ari rial everyone up that's right we storm outside and jump in the fucking pool. Ready go we all ran outside and jumped in our pool I found Ari and gave her a passionate kiss. Careful what you wish for baby I'm really drunk and very stoned right now. Is that a yes ? To this she splashed me in the face and I splashed her back. That's how the splash war broke out.



I woke up I was in lingire and I had a hickey on my neck Ronnie was passed out. A box of condoms was on the dresser thank god. I swung out of bed and changed into a sweatshirt and pajama pants. I walked into the living room where half the people from the party were passed out. I made it into the kitchen sugar and deliah followed me in. I fed them and started making coffee. Casually my phone blasted my ringtone which was currently stupid hoe by queen Nicki. I ran to the living to and grabbed it out of a vase. And answered it

Yo. Hi is this Ari Etheredge ? Yes. From the American Rock band Angels of The Night. The one and only. I walked outside. Hi my name is Reginia Drake , I'm Halesy's manager. She would love to meet you and your band mates to discuss a collaboration on one of her songs. I'll have to talk it over with my band mates but what's your number so I can call you back ? I'll just give you her's. okay. Its 529-555-5555. Okay thank you. I hung up and went back inside I heard people awake and talking.

Morning guys. Damn Ari you looked hammered. I know right I woke up like this Brendon. Coffee is in the kitchen find cups. Don't touch my weed blah blah blah. So long and goodnight. I walked into The bedroom and layed next to Ronnie and traced his tattoos. Ari ? Yeah ? Did you need anything ? Yeah. Well what is it ? He sat up in bed and so did I. I need you to wake up. I am up. Good. I got out of bed. And waited for him to get dressed in the kitchen. Hey Ari. Hey guys your up. We need to go outside and have a band meeting. Okay Lillie and Alice followed me outside. I sat down on a lounge chair and they sat at the table I got a call this morning from Halseys manager. She wants us to collab. Do we accept. FUCK YES. Okay I'll text Halsey. In the meantime how was being party mom Lillie ? It was fun. I just loved holding Sarah Uries hair back when she threw up last night. Sounds like I missed out. And by the way you scaled a tree last night. So ? YOU THREW A FUCKING SQUIRREL AT ME !! Ha that's funny. I looked up from my phone I just texted her. So that's why I have a scratch on my hand. Yah think. Okay so ... I was interrupted by my phone going off to pity party by Melanie Martinez

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