Chapter 45

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Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say this. Holy Shit. A big thanks to Alice the only person that actually reads this shitty story I made. I understand I suck ass at writing but I'm an Aquarius I bottle up my emotions and don't let them up. But I can't believe im on chapter 45 already. But thank you Alyssa for actually reading this fucked up story.


Ari baby wake up we have to get ready to go to the airport. She groaned and then showed me her beautiful face. She swung her legs down off the bed and went to go wake up the kids. They had been with a month know I was so used to them Kesha loved them too. It was like having our own practice family. I started taking bags to the car. Ari had packed not one or two bags. She packed 5 suitcases. Her dress took up an entire suitcase by its self then she had her other stuff and stuff for Liv and Noah as well. I carried them out to Ari's explorer. Juliet's sister Angie was driving all of us to the airport in her big ass van. RONNIE GET THE POPTARTS. Okay babe. I walked downstairs and heard Ari pleading with 2 half asleep girls to get up. She let Noah sleep. I stepped into the room. I'll handle this baby. Go get ready. She pulled me into a hug and a I gave her a quick kiss. I picked Kesha up first and she screamed her head off. She was so loud she woke Noah. RONNIE WHAT THE FUCK !! She ran in the room and scoped Noah into her arms. Ari I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake him m its alright Kesha. That's when she gave me the death glare. Everyone was up in the house. Gee was packing the Car I was grabbing food and Ari was getting the kids ready. What a lot of activity for 4 am.


I was rushing around getting Liv and Noah ready I forgot to even get myself ready. (Ari's outfit below)

I put the kids in some cute clothes we went dress and tux shopping last week

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I put the kids in some cute clothes we went dress and tux shopping last week. We were gonna be looking fresh as fuck for the Golden Gods. The kids were in fairly simple clothes. (Liv Noah and Keshas outfits below)

Alright guys let's get to the car ! Time to haul ass

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Alright guys let's get to the car ! Time to haul ass. I'm driving. I strapped the kids in their car seats and got in the drivers seat. Poor Gee was sitting between me and Ronnie up front. Hey guys don't ever drive like me okay. I backed out and flew towards Andy and Juliet's house. Jesus fucking Christ Ari ! Watch your mouth Ronnie. Sorry. Baby please just slow down. Okay fine I turned into Juliet's yard slowly. Poor Noah had fallen back asleep. I told everyone to be quiet as they got out. I carefully unbuckled him and took him out of the carseat. I handed the car seat to Juliet while I held a fast asleep Noah. Finally we got everything packed up and everyone loaded in. I had to stop my back started to ache. I got in next to Noah and Liv. Alice and Lillie were being to loud so I turned around and gave them the "wake the baby and I'll cut you" glare. They quieted down.

Noah baby you have to wake up we're going on the plane baby. He opened his eyes and said okay fine. I held his hand as we walked to the terminal. Mostly everyone on this flier was people we knew. I had my sunglasses on. Noah loved his ninja turtles backpack. He put his favorite toys in it. Liv was listening to music on her I pod. Ronnie had one arm around my shoulder and the other dragging his carry on. My carry on was like a back pack. Alice and Lillie werent too far behind us. The were next to Andy and Juliet. Kesha was keeping a close eye on Liv. Ronnie and our little family got priority boarding since one I was 32 weeks pregnant and 2 since we had a small child. The plane was a luxery plane so the seats were cool as hell. I put Noah and Liv next to each other and Ronnie and I next to them. Our seats faced each other. Kesha Gee Lillie and Alice sat across from us. I had no clue where Andy and Juju were. Little Noah fell asleep as did Liv. Soon we were on our way to Sydney Australia. I leaned my head on Ronnie's shoulder he put the arm rest up so we could cuddle. I think I might have fallen asleep.


I fucking hated planes. My anxiety wasn't helping at all. Gerard held me as I was shaking. Finally Lillie tapped Ronnie's shoulder who woke Ari up. Ari passed me my happy pills. And I took them. Finally I could chill out.


Yo Courtney let's make mom get up pee every 15 minutes. Great idea Kurt.


God damnit. I had to keep getting up to use the bathroom. Baby are you okay ? Yeah I think our kids are being assholes. Well at least we know their mine. Good point. Ladies and Gentleman please remain in your seats we're beginning to land. I reached over and lightly tapped Liv's shoulder. Wake up baby girl we're about to land. Okay. Don't wake Noah. I won't she said in a promising tone. The plane finally landed and we were allowed to start unboarding. that's when my body decided it we be an awesome time to give me back pain. I winced. Andy took Ronnie's suitcase and Ronnie carried Noah. Kesha took Olivia's hand. Juliet put an arm around me. Come on mama we can sit down soon. Juliet it hurts ! I know and I'm sorry I can't do anything until we get to the hotel. Ari are you okay ? Frances Cobain was behind us. I will be just very sore. She flanked to my other side. We were the last people off the plane. The staff asked me if I needed a wheel chair I shook my head no. We finally got to the limo taking us to the hotel poor Juliet and Frances had to help me in. Ronnie was still holding a fast asleep Noah. Liv and Kesha were playing concentration. The others were here as well. I reached into my purse and took some pain pills. I relaxed and rested a hand on my stomach. I swear to god if you two ever complain of back pain I'm going to laugh my ass off. The pain pills took effect and we got to the hotel. Noah was awake and in my Lap. He was having the coolest conversation with Frances. I took lots of pictures for Snapchat and Kelani. I took more of liv and then one of me and Ronnie. We got to our room and it was fucking awesome. Gee and Kesha were in a connecting room. With two beds. Ours had two as well. The awards ceremony wasn't until Tuesday it was Sunday night. I got the kids in the shower and ready for bed. Ronnie took his shower while I put the kids to bed. I began getting stuff ready for tomorrow morning. Then suddenly Lillie and Alice busted into the room. OUR ALBUM JUST WENT PLATINUM. I dragged them both outside the hotel room. Thankfully they didn't wake the kids up. HOLY FUCKING SHIT !! I hugged them both and Ronnie stepped out in the hallway in just his basketball shorts. What the fuck are you guys screaming about. Our album just hit platinum. Holy shit ! Ronnie picked me up and spun me around. I said my good nights to Lillie and Alice and headed for the shower. I stripped my clothes off and let the warm water cascade over me.
I washed the soap off me and massaged the shampoo into my hair. I stepped out and put my pajamas on. A guns and roses shirt and a pair of black shorts. Nothing fancy. I brushed my vibrant blue and purple hair and put it in a French braid. I grabbed my phone and took a video.

So my bands album just hit platinum. Holy shit. I jut want to thank everyone who's went out and bought the album and everyone who's came out and moshed at our shows. As a wise man once said. The best is yet to come. Love you guys. I posted the video to all my Social Media accounts. I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed and snuggled up next to Ronnie. Its been a long day.  I deserve to sleep.

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