Chapter 58

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We've been on the road two weeks. I haven't pole danced that much in a long time. Today was our off day. So we were going to just chill we were in Virginia again. I'm taking Ronnie to meet my parents. No I'm not weird. I rolled out of his arms and started to throw my clothes on. The bottle of whiskey fell to the ground. Did we honestly drink all of that ? I braided my hair and slipped my jean shorts on. I slid on my favorite crop top as well. I put on some ChapStick and grabbed my sunglasses I wasn't wasting my time with makeup today. I had to make everyone breakfast as usual. I stepped into the kitchen area to find someone else cooking. I have a feeling this was about my breakdown last night. In case you were wondering I got very wasted after our concert in Charlotte, North Carolina. When we got to the bus I had already yelled profanity at a seagull and a rock. Then I started crying about how much I wanted to die so it was great. I grabbed a plate and spiked my coffee. I sat at the table and watched Josh and Tyler play COD. Guys we should go play paint ball. No way Ari ! Why not ! You go all crazy sniper on us. But it'll be fun ! Okay fine, but you're paying. no problem, I'm always popping bands. So we called an uber and headed to the paintball place the other bands met us there. I did my pre shoot out ritual and assessed my hiding places and vantage points. We were in teams of two. I worked alone so Ronnie worked with Ashely (a.k.a Halsey) finally we were allowed to go and take our places but when we heard that air horn it was every team for themselves. I ran while no one was looking I ran in a circle and took the high ground in a tree I cocked my gun and waited. Finally I heard the airhorn. Alice and Josh were out in the open. I shook my head and took them both out. 1 paint ball each. I jumped down and took off running. Josh and Alice were both in shock. The next place I his was by a creek. I saw Ronnie and Ashely hiding they were my next victims. Team after Team I eliminated until it was down to one. Nicki Sixx and Lillie. I hid and closed my eyes to listen to my surroundings I heard some leaves crunch. My eyes were opened and I fired. I decided to let it rain. OKAY ARI YOU WON PLEASE STOP !! I did then cheered in victory. I got a fake trophy then we took pictures for Instagram. My caption was " Who said it was a good idea to hand me a gun in the first place " Soon enough we left the place and split up. Ronnie and I put flowers on the graves and did our favorite thing ever. We went to the bar. We were going to The Eagles Club I planned on throwing down, playing pool, and getting fucked up. We took an uber back to the bus so we could change and freshen up a bit. Our uber driver was a girl I graduated with. I was in my hometown after all. She dropped us off and I gave her a $100 tip. I threw on a black crop top and daisy dukes. I took my hair out of its tight braid and let it be. I put some makeup on and my red lipstick. The others as in Tyler, Josh, Alice, and Lillie, had just gotten back. Um where are you guys going ? To the Eagles nest to get wasted want to join ? We'll pass you two have fun. Come on babe ! I pulled his hand and we started walking to the bar which was only a block or so away. My cowboy boots clicked on the sidewalk as we walked. God damn I loved Virginia. When we got there we order some drinks and started shooting pool. Babe stop your kicking my ass ! Sorry Honey I'm southern I grew up playing pool. I took a drag of my cigarette as I shot three balls in the center pocket. This would be a good night for me.


So guys what should we do ? Why don't you and Josh go on a date and Lillie and I could clean the tour bus. Good idea Tyler, but cleaning the tour bus is a waste of time. Why do you say that ? You've never seen Ari and Ronnie wasted have you ? He shook his head no and all I could do was laugh. Ari starts throwing hands with inhuman objects and her and Ronnie almost always fight. Then they usually kiss and makeup. You know the girl Ronnie slept with when Ari caught him is apparently missing. LILLIE ! That's our best friend you're talking about ! She's a person not a murderer ! Alice she's killed 3 or more people. Lillie she killed the man that kidnapped you. The other two were drunk guys trying to have their way with her. I'm pretty sure Ari didn't kill her guys. Our attention all went to Scott who had just entered the room. She went missing when we were in Houstan Texas. The girl is from San Francisco. It doesn't add up. I can't have Ari throwing hands tonight so just don't bring it up to her. Please guys, for me ? Okay Scott fine. Thanks guys I have to go out and talk with the other managers have fun kids. Lillie and Tyler sat on the couch and I sat next to Josh at the Kitchen Table. Guys let's watch Netflix ! Heck yeah !


Ronnie and I stumbled our way home and I tripped going into the tour bus. Fuck man I'm dead ain't I ? Ari get up baby you're not dead. I can't I'm too drunk. Hand me that Jack Daniels please. Ari you're bit even in the bus yet. He scooped me up and carried me inside. I stumbled to the bunks and grabbed some peppermint rum. Tis' the season to be falling. Ronnie do you want a shot of this ? We sat on the couch and took turns drinking. Babe let's have another baby. Ari you're in no condition to even think about getting pregnant right now. Ronnie had immediately sobered up. Why can't I ? BECAUSE YOU HAVE AN ADDICTION !! This boy did not just raise his voice to me. I could yell but that would just make him happy, so instead I started crying. I miss my Courtney baby ! It fucked me up so bad Ronnie ! I never got to hold her in my arms ! His face softened and he wrapped me in his arms. Stop crying Ari Baby. We can have another baby. I didn't mean to make you cry. I stopped my crying and threw my arms around him. Time to black out again.

Song is Rehab by my Queen Amy Winehouse. I think it describes Ari pretty well.

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