Chapter 57

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Sixx AM had just finished their last song we had 15 minutes. The stage crew started setting up for our show. Ronnie was nowhere in sight. Was I suspicious ? You're a god damn idiot if you think I ain't. He's cheated on me once who knows he could do it again. Ari ! Yeah Scott ? Do you have your pick ups on ? I think so. My bass was tuned along with everything else I had to play. I was playing everything on guitar or bass for this tour. What are you all opening with ? Where's Alice ! If she doesn't get here on time we'll just open with Ari's anthem. Good idea lillie can you hit those notes though ?  Probably not. Where's Ashely ? I'm right here and I got you guys. I happen to love that song who wrote it ? I did. I composed it as well. Girls you got to go. I'll find Alice. We ran out on stage and the crowd lost its shit. ARI ! ARI ! ARI !  I went up to the microphone and started singing. Well I am Ari so I know one song better than I know myself, Doll Parts by Hole. Lillie looked a bit confused but she went with it. Scott gave me a thumbs up. There was a pole on each side of the stage. I climbed up and sang from there. And someday you will ache like I acheI finished the song and the cloud bursted into an applause. Well fuck I got up here but now I have to get down. I looked out in the audience. Still no Alice. LAS VEGAS !! WE ARE ANGELS OF THE NIGHT ! Well God Damn won't you look at the size of y'all. Tonight we're going to start getting some moshing up in here. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE PIT ?! The people in the pit screamed and hollared. I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU !! The screams got louder and people started to mosh. That's what I like to see ! Just so we can get things going tonight I want everyone moshing. This next one is one of my all time favorites. This is Chop Suey by System of A down. The pits grew wild they went from the seats to the lawn. I saw Alice back stage getting her mic on. That meant play time was over for me. I jumped into the crowd and sang while I crowd surfed.
When I got back to the stage Scott told me to stall. Well god damn Las Vegas. That was pertty damn fun. The all laughed at my southern accent. I actually happen to love System Of A Down. I use them to get my son to sleep. He likes it when I sing Toxicity to him. If course I'm not all like YOU ! WHAT DO YOU OWN THE WORLD HOW DO YOU OWN DISORDER DISORDER DISOORRRDERRRR. The crowd was laughing lillie was choking on her water. I mean that's how I wake Ronnie up in the morning. GET THE FUCK UP ! GET THE FUCK UP ! GET THE FUUCCCKKKK UP ! You know he usually just looks at me and says. Ari it's 6am let me sleep we were out til 3am blah blah blah. But yeah that's that. Anyways on a complete unrelated note let's just have a little talk. I sat down on my bass stool. How would y'all feel if I was to call some of you fine people up here with us to play a song or two ? The crowd lost it. WHERE ARE MY DRUMMERS ! I received a reply from the audience. If you think you got what it takes GET YOUR ASS UP HERE ! Let's help them out a bit. HOW ABOUT MY BASS PLAYERS ! More people gradually crowd surfed up. GUITAR !! I started pulling people onto the stage. Lillie helped me as well as security. Now listen up y'all. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ALICE IS IN DA HOUSE !! She ran on stage and me and lillie handed our three guess players instruments. So what would y'all like to play ? Ari's anthem ! Well god damn I need one more person for that. DOUBLE BASS PLAYERS GET YOUR ASS UP HERE ! one girl was brave enough to surf to the stage. I pulled her up and showed her to my baby. Just before careful I love that bass more than I love Ronnie. Everyone heard Ronnie shout in protest. Okay everyone this is Ari's anthem. I sang the low deep almost growls that I had at the beginning. Then it started to get heavy. You USED ME ! I swear you fucking ABUSED ME ! Ripped my heart into SHREDS ! You never fucking saved me you heartless fucking cunt ! I was just going for a SWIM !!! You thought that I was DROWNING ! but an evil queen was CROWNING ! You broke my fucking HEART. Trades me for a SLUT ! I wish you would have let me be on that warm hopeful day. There would have been no bubbles from me (no bubbles) I thought love was real but boy was I wrong once more. You USED ME ! You fucking ABUSED ME ! My heart has had ENOUGH ! THIS IS MY ANTHEM FOR THE DEAD !!!! I was out of breathe from the scream at the end of the song. Finally the concert started to fly by. Soon enough we were about to play our encore. Alice and Lillie left the stage. I looked at my bass and realized what was happening. Ronnie walked out and we played our version of Not Good Enough for The Truth in Cliche. I'm happy I still remembered all the jumps I had to do  I took his song and made it better. The crowds were filming our little lover moment. When we were done I sat my bass done and looked at Ronnie he swept me off my feet and kissed me. Wolf whistles and awes were heard from everyone. Thank You all for coming. Good Night ! We walked off stage. Alice where were you earlier. She looked at the ground and Josh looked the other way. Y'all better have used some rubbers. I'll cut your fucking dick off if she's pregnant and you leave her. I lit a cigarette and started walking to the dressing room. In my little tradition it was time for me to do some drugs. I quickly pulled out the bag of coke and lined it up on the table. I had just finished snorting it when Lillie and Alice walked in. Ari what's that bag ? It's nothing, don't worry about it. Come on we got to go. I put everything away and we walked to the tour bus.  Ronnie, Josh, and Tyler were all waiting for us. Alice ran up to Josh and hugged him. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Ronnie. He pulled my cigarette out of my mouth and kissed me. You better put that back. He smiled at me and gave me my cigarette back. Smart move lover boy smart move.  Lillie just cleared her throat and walked inside the tour bus. Alice, Josh, and Tyler soon followed. We sat on the steps and just looked at the city lights. Ari baby ? Yes Ron Bon ? I love you. I love you too Ronnie. I got you something. Really ? Close your eyes. Okay. He put a box in my lap. Okay you can open them now. It was a gift box that was perfectly wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. This was from my mom. My birth name was written on the tag in her messy nurse hand writing. Ronnie this is from my mom. How did you get this. Babe just open it. I took the tag off first I wanted to save that until the day I died. I carefully opened the box and saw what was inside. It was my great grandmother's heirlooms. My mother told me they were mine as soon as I got engaged. Ronnie how did you find this. It showed up at our door step one day. Why didn't you tell me about this ? I wanted it to be a surprise. I slid the ring on and clipped the bracelet on as well.  I kissed Ronnie on the lips and we heard Scott start yelling at us to get in the damn bus. I just laughed and shook my head. So ended our first concert. Finally the drugs kicked in. I felt like working out. So I did. I plugged my phone into my speakers and laid my work out mat on the ground. When I was a girl I always wanted to be a US Marine. Why wasn't I pursing that dream ? HEY RONNIE !! He walked into the room. Yes - Ari what the fuck are you doing ? Stand on my damn toes. Why ? JUST DO IT ! He did and I did 200 sit ups. Then I started doing push ups. I did 50. GUYS ARI'S ON CRACK AGAIN. I jumped up and started doing burpees. SHUT THE FUCK I'LL BREAK YOUR GOD DAMN JAW ! I finished my burpees and thought of what to do next. Planks ! I got in plank position and started singing along to the words blaring out of my speakers I dropped as soon as the song was over. Guys has anyone seen my heels ? Come on Josh it's about to get crazy. Alice covered his eyes and pulled him out of the room. Lillie wasn't even out here Tyler was asleep so it was just Ronnie and I basically. I handed him my phone and he knew what to do. He put on the song Crazy in Love but it was a slower version. I did what I knew what to do and shook what my momma gave me. When I was done Ronnie had crossed his legs. Let me see. I sat in his lap and watched the video. This was going on Instagram. Damn am I really that thick ? Yes, yes you are babe. So people only like me because my ass ? No you're talented and beautiful. Being a woman sucks ass. I stood up and paced for a bit. Ready for bed ? Thought you'd never ask.

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