Chapter 3: The Stranger

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As Aphmau was walking through the forest, a strange creature attacked her. Still weak from the fight before, it was not long before she was knocked to the ground and utterly helpless. The strange creature was able to pry open her armor, yet it had no hands, or limbs for that matter. After it had gotten her armor open, it made a few large gashes along her sides and arms. When it just about got to her throat, she uttered one last cry for help. In a blur, a black object knocked the creature to the ground, before finishing it off. As she started to black out from blood loss, she saw a strange face, heard a strange voice.

"Hold on Aphmau! I'll get you somewhere safe! Don't you die!"


When Aphmau awoke, she was in a cabin. A fire blazed to her right, and a person sat sleeping to her left. She tried to sit up, only to be hindered by a sharp pain in her arms and sides. As she sat back down, she gave a sharp cry for she had hit her head on the headboard. The man who was sleeping next to her was up in a flash, sword in hand. When he had seen there was no threat, he set his sword back down and looked at Aphmau. She realized it was the stranger.

"Do not try to move, or you'll open your wounds up again. They need a couple of hours to completely heal. " Aphmau nodded, then asked where they were.

"We're at my home, which is not far from where you were attacked. I had heard ferocious growling, then as I got closer I heard your cry for help. I'm glad I was able to make it on time."

"Well, it's a good thing it was you who helped me, because now I can get some answers."

The Stranger sighed, then told her everything. When he finished, she asked him what his name was. At first he looked stunned, then he relented, taking off his hood and exposing his face.

"My name is Aaron."

After saying so, he went to the kitchen and grabbed some food and water.

"I'm sure the others are worried. You have been missing for a couple of days, after all. You need to eat. Here." He handed her some bread and a glass of water. "We can head out to Phoenix Drop once you've eaten and it has become morning. Eat that, then get some rest. You should be good to go in the morning.

When Aphmau woke the next morning, she saw the stranger was ready to go. She scolded herself, his name is Aaron. I need to remember that. She stood, still feeling a sharp pain whenever she moved. Aaron glanced over at her, then said," We should get moving. I'm pretty sure Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Kawaii~Chan , and Katelyn are going crazy trying to find you. "

Aphmau just nodded, and the pair set off for Phoenix Drop. As they were walking along, Aphmau couldn't help but notice how beautiful the area around Aaron's home was.

"Is—is it alright if I come visit every once in a while?" She asked.

"Sure. It'd be nice to have company every once in a while."

The pair continued walking along in a peaceful silence, until they reached the gates of Phoenix Drop.

"Aaron, I wanted to thank you for saving me. Both from the creature and... Garroth." As Aphmau finished her sentence, she leaned towards Aaron and kissed him on the lips. She turned to go, but Aaron grabbed her arm. He turned Aphmau to face him, and kissed her back. They only broke apart when Laurance's voice boomed from the tower.


Shock crossed Aphmau's face, then she and Aaron ran into the tower and up the stairs. When they burst into the room, they saw Laurance on the table sobbing, Garroth in bed drunk, Dante, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan were all fast asleep next to him.

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