Chapter 9: Zane?!?!?

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When Aphmau awoke, she was back in the place she had met lady Irene.

"Irene? Are you here?"

"Aphmau.... What are you doing here? How am I here?"

Hearing the cold voice, Aphmau spun around, only to be met with Zane's face.

"Zane?!?" She jumped back, searching for some kind of weapon to defend herself. Zane was doing the same, but both had no weapons.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I honestly have no idea. All I know is that I was in your prison, and suddenly I was overcome by a nauseating feeling, then teleported here."With that, he lunged at her, making a large gash on her right cheek. She managed to get far away from him, and turned back to him. She eyed him suspiciously, before collapsing. Zane collapsed as well, and both were teleported back to where they were.

When Aphmau woke for real this time, Aaron was smiling at her, as she was still leaning on him.
"Hmm? Where are we?" Aaron chuckled, and she looked at him confused, until remembering the last night.

"We both fell asleep here watching the sunrise, and now we've awoken to the sunset. Lucinda was here not too long ago, but she didn't know that I was already awake. When you started to stir, she left, hoping to give us some privacy. "

"Oh. I had the strangest dream..." Aphmau told Aaron about the dream she had, and his eyes clouded over.

"Zane? In the area you met Lady Irene? That's not good.. Would you come with me to the prison, just to make sure he is still there?"

"Yeah, let's go." They both climbed out of the tree, Aaron helping Aphmau down a couple of the branches, until they both landed on the ground. They began their walk, although they were concerned about her dream, it was still a cheerful morning. Both talked and laughed all the way to the prison, until they reached the entrance. Making their demeanor calm and collected, Aaron walked in first, then Aphmau. They walked over to Zane's cell, surprised to see him wide awake.

"I'm assuming you had that dream as well, Aphmau?" He asked. Stunned, all Aphmau could do was nod.

"Next time, I WILL have a weapon, and I'll carve that pretty face of yours!" He yelled, lunging at the bars. Aaron drew a dagger, and pointed it at Zane threateningly, making him back down.

"You won't touch her. If you didn't have weapons in that 'dream', you sure as hell won't have any next time. I hope for your sake there is no next time." Zane eyed Aaron, then smirked.

"Getting all defensive over a tiny threat? You must care for her a lot to get that defensive!" Aaron smirked, knowing one fact that would spite Zane, and shock him into silence.

"Well, considering she was my future wife, there's plenty of reasons for me to love her."

Zane's mouth closed and opened, confused and shocked. With that said, Aaron stalked out of the prison, Aphmau in tow.

"Aaron! Why'd you have to tell him that? Surely there'd be easier ways to shut him up!" She exclaimed, but he could tell she was trying hard not to laugh.

"Oh come on! It was too easy!" He said, before faceplanting into something. He hadn't been paying attention, and he ran straight into a tree. Aphmau couldn't contain her laughter, and soon she was on her knees, clutching her stomach. He laughed a bit too, but was more embarrassed than mad. Laurance walked up, amusement clearly written on his face.

"So I take it you ran into a tree? How though?" He said, cracking a smile. Aaron turned to him, brushing off some bark that had fallen onto him.

"I was teasing Aphmau, and karma decided to strike." Aphmau's laughter increased, and soon she had tears streaming down her face. When she finally calmed down, she noticed that Laurance was giving her a weird look.

"When'd you get that cut on your face?"

"Huh?" Aphmau felt her right cheek, and there was indeed a gash, almost exactly like the one Zane had given her. She rushed back into the prison, right up to Zane's cell.

"Zane! Do you have any idea how this cut got here? I remember in the dream, you lunged at me and cut me, somehow. But still, how can that cut be here?"

"Well, Aphmau, the cut is there because our physical bodies were there."
"But that's impossible!*under her breath* Aaron would have noticed..."
"What was that? Oh, nevermind. It seems it is entirely possible. But why spend your time asking me pointless questions, when you have better things to do?" Zane asked.
"I wanted clarification. But if you really want me to leave, I'll leave." He nodded his head, and she left. She earned a questioning look from Aaron when she emerged, but she just passed it off with a smile. He smiled back at her, then went back to conversing with Laurance. Aphmau decided she needed time to mull over the dream, and what it could've meant. Walking along the random pathways she came across, it took Aphmau a little while before she realised she was standing outside Aaron's home. Walking around, she marveled at the beauty that thrived around it, and noticed a tree sitting not too far away, it's delicate white leaves brushing along the ground. Walking up to the tree, she realised it was a rare white willow. Looking closely at the tree, it was a while before she realised a stranger was standing underneath it. The man had jet black hair, with dark skin. The sword he carried with him was white, but had jets of black all around it, as if a demon possessed it. Aphmau called," Hello? Sir!" He turned to look at her, and she almost stumbled backwards in shock. His eyes were the lightest of blues, almost transparent.

"S-sir? Who are you? I'm Aphmau, previous lord of phoenix drop."

"Oh, I know who you are. And you're coming with me."
"Excuse me? Who do you-AH!"

She was in the midst of asking a question when he, with inhuman speed, swooped over and hauled her onto his shoulder. She tried hitting his head to drop her, but he drew a dagger and jabbed the hilt into her side, stunning her. Before she passed out, she noticed Aaron and Laurance chasing after her and the strange man.


When Aphmau regained her senses, the first thing she registered was the feeling of a stone cold floor. Bolting upright, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they did, she realised she was in some kind of prison cell. She noticed another figure in the cell with her, but he didn't have chains on his wrists like she did. She realised it was the man who had kidnapped her.

"You! Who are you? Where am I?! Why did you take me?" He looked at her, and his emotionless face gave way to a devilish grin.

"Ah, so the goddess is awake. You should know who I am, but if you really don't know me, then I suppose I should at least tell you my name. My name is Pyrrhus Satana, but most just call me the fire demon. That is the meaning of my name, after all." To show his point, Pyrrhus held out his hand, and slowly a flame emerged. The flames travelled like a snake, winding its way up his arm, encircling his head, before travelling all down his limbs and torso.

"I would show you my true form, but it would be quite improper for me to singe off my pants." He smirked, and Aphmau looked away, appalled at how garishly he spoke. She heard footsteps, and the jangling of keys. She knew the door was to be opened, so she timed it perfectly.

"I'll have a guard by to get you din-Ah! Not so fast, little goddess. I wouldn't be a true demon if I couldn't tell you were plotting to escape through this doorway. No matter, I'll just encircle you in fire until I'm out." With that, he snapped his fingers and a ring of fire circled her. Aphmau's eyes widened, but she still had a chance to escape, and she was going to take it, no matter the cost. Gathering her courage in a matter of seconds, she ran through the fire and out the doorway. Something had awoken in her, giving her the ability to run farther and faster than she ever thought she could. She ran past befuddled guards, almost slamming into a heavy iron door. In the guard's confusion, she swiped the keys from him, and hurriedly opened the door. She could hear Pyrrhus's footsteps behind her, but she couldn't spare a second glance. When she finally slammed it open, she ran as far as she could see, until she was sure that Pyrrhus wouldn't be able to find her without wasting much time and effort. It was only then that she realised a burning pain was running throughout her legs and along on her arms. Risking a glance, she saw the her legs had burns running all along them, whereas her arm only had burns running halfway up. She walked slowly, in agony, searching for some kind of water source. When the pain became too unbearable, she leaned against a tree, tears streaming from her eyes, and fell into a fitful slumber.

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