Chapter 13: The Dragon Festival

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(Third Person POV)

The next day was pandemonium. Maids, guards, servants, villagers, everyone was getting ready for an incoming attack. Aphmau and all her friends had finished preparing to leave at a moments notice, and were now preparing every horse Ura owned for use, by anyone and everyone. Their horses, along with items, were hidden in a secure location, so no freaking out townsman or woman would steal them. Ura had devised a plan to have two different teams depart after nightfall, so that if they were confronted, not all of them would be captured. Aphmau, Laurance, Aaron, and Dante were one team. Garroth, Ura, and Katelyn were the other the other team. Ura watched for an opening, noticing soldiers from his brother's army were already starting to appear in the sanctuary. Panic was now at it's maximum, women fleeing with crying children, men trying to defend themselves from getting captured. Sensing it was now or never, Ura sent Aphmau and her team towards the secluded spot, ready to attack if someone tried to hurt them. They made it out of the sanctuary ok, and Ura knew it was his team's turn. Waiting until a majority of the soldiers looked away, as his guards were causing quite a ruckus, Ura and his team practically sprinted towards the exit. One of his brother's guards, recognizing Ura, leapt in front of them, and they began to spar. Ura gestured for Katelyn and Garroth to leave, he'd be behind them in a moment. While Garroth was passing behind the guard Ura was fighting, he stuck a dagger into his side, making him lose his grip on his sword and allowing Ura to knock him out. They reached the secluded spot, and mounted their horses quickly, before urging everyone forward.
"One of the guards recognized me! We need to leave as quickly as possible, before he wakes up." Ura told the others, then focusing ahead.

They rode throughout most of the night, stopping only when they thought they heard travellers or soldiers ahead. Multiple times, the horses were hastily dismounted, and dragged into the trees where they'd be less noticeable. Ura, Aaron or Laurance, since they were the quietest and fastest, were sent as scouts to make sure that the guards weren't Pyrrhus's, or if the coast was clear. When they were sure they had finally escaped imminent death, it was beginning to become early morning. Katelyn and Aphmau were practically sleep riding, when lights not too far were spotted. They ushered their horses forward, the men following behind. Soon, they rode right up to the gate surrounding the town. The guards offered to take their horses to the stables, and Ura payed them a good amount of money for their kindness. Garroth followed the guards so that they knew where the stables were, and everyone else headed into the town.

"I've never seen this town here before... It must be new, or extremely well hidden. But it sits right on the coast! I surely would've seen it when I've gone sailing before... I guess it is pretty new." Aphmau said. Walking along, they finally found an inn, the Sleeping Dragons Inn. Entering the building, they saw it was a quaint but good establishment. Aaron rented three rooms, two for the men and one for the women. Once everyone had settled into their rooms, and Garroth had joined them, Katelyn decided that since they would be staying for a few days, that they should go and see what the town offered for food and entertainment. The first thing the girls noticed was that there were many vendors selling clothes, various types of cloth from foreign lands, toys for children, jewelry and many other items. Once they were past the streets of vendors and stores full of interesting items, there were plenty of options for food. A fire eater stood on the side of the street, blowing fire into the air and creating flaming dragons that actually flew around before disappearing. His comrade, a sword eater, ate one, two, three swords before coughing them all up, each standing above the other. Both performers took a bow, and Ura threw some coins into the hat that sat near them. Laurance went to buy some food, coming back with turkey legs, corn on the cob, and some breadsticks. Everyone ate their fill, satisfied and merry. Katelyn spotted an armor and weapon shop, and begged Ura to come with her. Before the two separated, Ura gave Aphmau a rather large amount of money, and told her to enjoy herself with the guys. They first visited a bookstore, where Aphmau found two books she really enjoyed, and bought them. Later, as they were window shopping for food, they finally ran into locals who seemed to speak english.

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