Chapter 10: A New Ally

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(Aphmau's POV)

Lights. Some were green, some were blue. I even glimpsed a bit of red and brown. I thought it was a part of the strange dream I had been having, until I felt a searing pain burn through my legs, and along one of my arms. Gasping, I bolted upright, or tried to. Strong arms were holding my shoulders down, and the next thing I felt was water surrounding me. The burning had not worn off, and I began to scream. The hands let me go at the sound of my screams, and I crawled and got out of the water. Sitting near one of the corners of the room, I held my arm and legs, willing the pain to go away. I had tears streaming out of my eyes when I finally looked around. It appeared as though I was in some kind of spring. There were little people that flitted to and fro, some glancing in awe at the sight of me. When my eyes finally met with the person who had been holding me down, I was surprised to see that it was a woman. She had black hair, with slightly tan skin, like me. She wore a loose fitting dress, which was hiked up around her thighs so that she may be in the spring without getting too wet. After a staring contest, I managed to finally find my voice.

"W-who are y-you? W-where am I?"

The woman smiled, but did not answer. I looked at her confusedly, until the woman opened her mouth, to show no tongue.

"You're mute! Oh my, that was terribly rude of me to say... Please forgive me, I was just shocked, that's all." The woman's eyes were kind, and I knew that she had been more polite than the woman could have hoped for. Gesturing for me to follow, the woman started walking away. Afraid of going back into the water, I asked her if there was another way around. She walked over to the edge, and stepped out of the water, before showing me a pathway to the exit of the room. I gingerly followed, still in pain from the burns. She lead me to a spacious room, which had beautiful wallpaper that pictured trees, with animals in between. Wait... I looked closely, and one of the deer that was in the wallpaper moved. "Gah! T-the deer... it moved?!"
The woman looked at me, and noticed I was staring befuddled at the wallpaper.

"My dear, that is no wallpaper. That wall is made out of real trees, with real animals around it." A new voice spoke, and my head whipped around to find the source. For a moment, I feared it was Pyrrhus, but when a man stepped out of the shadows, I realized it wasn't him at all. In fact, he appeared to be the complete opposite. Where Pyrrhus had black hair and dark skin, this man had pure white hair, and fair skin. His sword, black with jets of white, was also opposite of Pyrrhus's.

"So you must be the famous Aphmau, the incarnation of the goddess. Pyrrhus, my brother, has told me much about you, without meaning to, of course."

"Y-you're his brother? I see... What is your name?"

"Ura Satana. I am his complete opposite, in both flesh and powers. Where he is a fire demon, I am a water demon. He represents chaos and destruction, whereas I represent peace and creation. Now, I know it was painful for you to be in the water, but that's the only way I can heal you. We can give you some food that will ease the pain immensely, but we need to at least heal your legs, sooner rather than later. If we don't heal you in the next 48 hours, you will be forever scarred with those burns." I nodded, eager to get some food. I wasn't excited for the pain that was to come, but I'd rather have no burns. The food immediately came out, carried by servants of many different kinds. However delicious the food was, I couldn't help the gnawing feeling of worry about the pain.

"Yes, Miss Aphmau?"
"I think... I think we should get rid of these burns now. After we get rid of the burns, can you help me figure out a way home?" Ura nodded, and stood abruptly. He waved his hand, dismissing the servants. Walking over to me, he picked me up and carried me bridal style. I couldn't help but blush, since the situation was very awkward. I heard the sloshing of water below me, and I prepared myself for the immense pain. I felt myself being lowered, and that was all I remembered before a blinding pain seared through my legs. My arm was fine, so I assumed it was healed already. After what seemed like hours, I started to slowly be able to hear Ura's chanting, and pain wasn't clouding my every thought. When most of the pain had ebbed away, Ura stopped his chanting and examined his handy work. He seemed satisfied about my legs, but when his eyes landed upon my arm, he looked confused and angry. Seizing my arm, he began chanting furiously, a different one that he didn't use before. After several minutes of his furious chanting, he let go of my arm, as if it had burned him. With sweat dripping down his forehead, he began explaining what had happened.

"Miss Aphmau, the burns on your legs... are healed. The one on your arm... contained a portion of my brother's spirit... I managed to expel him from your body, using much of my power in the process. Don't worry, it'll slowly regenerate. However, even though I dispelled my brother's spirit, the burn will remain. Always and forever. I'm sorry I couldn't remove it, but at least I was able to take away the source of your pain." He bowed his head, clearly exhausted. I stood, and draped one of his arms around my shoulders, and began to drag him away from the spring. A few servants appeared, and showed me to his room. I laid him gently down onto the mattress, before I was whisked away by one of the servants to my room. It was beautiful room, filled with all kinds of shades of purple. The bed was lined with purples, blue and greens. It was so calming, I couldn't help but plop onto the bed and fall asleep.

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