Chapter 11: Friends

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(Ura/Third person POV)

The next morning dawned peacefully and quietly. Ura was already up, still exhausted by the ordeal that had happened yesterday. But he knew this was not the time to be relaxing. Even though the place he had brought Aphmau to was a sanctuary, he knew his brother would not be above storming the place and burning it to the ground. Well, if he hasn't stormed the place now, then I should assume he doesn't know where I or Aphmau, are located. Perplexed but relieved by that thought, he focused back on scouting the lands for any signs of disturbances. In the trees not too far he could see a band of people moving about. Two had blue hair, both light and dark,there was one with blonde hair and one with brown, and finally a black haired one. Ura knew these people, for they were the ones who tried to get Aphmau away from Pyrrhus before she was kidnapped. Hopping down from the top of the tree he was using as a post, he leaped from branch to branch until he was above them. He stopped and waited for the perfect interval to where he could lead them to her.

(Third person POV)

"Laurance, are you sure you know where she could be? The man who took her...We've never seen him before. Who knows, he could've k-killed her!" Katelyn sputtered.

"Well, you have no need to worry, Lady Katelyn. Your Lady Aphmau is safe, and I can lead you to her if you like." Ura said, making all five heads snap up to look at him.

"And how do we know we can trust you? You look almost exactly like the man who took her! Just a slight color difference..." Laurance growled.

"True, I look like him, and yes, I am his opposite. I'm his brother, but you have nothing to fear from me. Once again, I am willing to lead you to my sanctuary, which you are very near, and straight to Lady Aphmau. I'll even let you lead me at sword point, if that makes you feel better." He jumped down, grabbing a nearby stick to use as a cane, as he was still a bit wobbly.

"And what happened to you? Why do you seem so weak?" Aaron snarled, clearly not happy with how Ura had carried himself.

"Well, I recently used almost all of my healing power to heal your Aphmau."

With that, he turned and began to walk towards the sanctuary. He knew he was being followed, for the sounds of swords being drawn and footsteps following was loud enough. He lead them through the spring where servants were doing laundry, giving them a quick nod before proceeding into the next room. Here, servants were preparing lunch, knowing that Ura intended to have them over for food. He finally lead them to the hallway where his quarters and guest quarters were located. He opened the room that was Aphmau's, asking everyone to be quiet as they entered. Upon seeing Aphmau, crashed comfortably but awkwardly on the bed, Katelyn let out a small whimper, glad she was safe. There were many chairs in the room, and soon everyone had taken a seat. Laurance, however, noticed something strange on Aphmau's arm, and went to investigate.

"And what's this? It looks like a burn mark if I've ever seen one."

Everyone craned their heads, curious and worried about the mark. Ura set off telling them the tale of what happened to Aphmau after she had been kidnapped.

"And using all of my healing power, I managed to get rid of the part of my brother that had taken root in her. Sadly, she will have that burn mark forever, unless some powerful force heals it." Laurance was livid, as was Aaron and Garroth, knowing that Aphmau had to suffer great lengths of pain at the hands of Pyrrhus, then go through more pain to get rid of the marks. Dante was sitting, thinking, wondering where on earth these twins had come from. Katelyn was the only one concerned about Ura.

"Will your power come back, or did you sacrifice it?"

"Don't worry, Lady Katelyn. My power is slowly regenerating, and it'll be back by the end of today or the start of tomorrow. " He smiled, and she blushed. Movement from the bed nearby made all conversation cease however, and everyone looked expectantly over to the bed. A sheer sweat was covering Aphmau, and tears were pouring from her eyes.

"N-no! D-Don't hurt them!! Stop! STOP!!!" She yelled, and everyone ran over to the bed. Katelyn pushed back the covers to allow her to move freely, and to stop them from strangling her. Dante was trying to wake her up to no avail. Katelyn pushed him aside and began furiously shaking Aphmau. This seemed to do the trick, as her eyes snapped open moments later.

"K-Katelyn?!" She said, the tears still pouring from her eyes. She tackled her in a hug, grateful that one of her greatest friends was here. Looking around, she noticed everyone, including Ura, was in the room.

"W-why are you all staring at me?"

"You honestly DON'T expect us to stare at you after what just happened? You were just yelling and screaming in your sleep!" Aaron snapped at her. Taken aback, she looked fearfully from Aaron's furious face to Laurance and Garroth's worried ones, and finally to Dante and Ura's calm expressions. Looking down at the ground in shame, she managed to whisper," s-sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you, even though I can't remember what I was dreaming about..." Aaron's anger immediately dissipated, and he helped Aph to her feet.

"Well, now that we're all awake, let's have lunch! After you, M'lady." Ura gestured to Katelyn, letting her and Aphmau lead the way to the dining room.

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