Chapter 13: A Terrible Liar

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(Spencer's POV)
I open my eyes, just to be faced with darkness. My body tenses up as I try to move only to find that I'm stuck. My hands are tightly secured behind my back, around a pole.
"Spencer, Spencer, Spencer." A voice says, it's muffled so I can not tell who it is. A light flickers in front of me and I see a person wearing a black hoodie. I scream at the top of my lungs. The hooded person laughs and starts approaching me. I press my body back against the cold pole, wishing I could run away. They crouch in front of me and then put their hand under my chin forcing me to look at them. "Always getting into trouble, aren't you Spencer? Well Lover Boy can't save you now." They hiss. My eyes widen at the mention of Toby and then quickly think through this situation. Maybe if I pretend that I do not love Toby then it won't in danger him. I quickly laugh, it comes out quite darker than I expect, but I mask my confusion with a smile. "You honestly think, that I love him?" I say. "You're a terrible liar Spencer." They say back to me, with what I think is a bit of shock in their voice. "All I wanted from him were answers." They laugh harshly and then wrap their hands around my throat. I gasp for air as my body is slammed, hard, against the pole. I look at the masked person with fear. "That's enough." I hear a feminine voice say. They unwrap their hands from my neck and start walking away. I look up to see them and Red Coat standing there. "Turn off the lights." Red Coat says. The black hoodie turns back to me for a split second then continues to follow Red Coat. My panic kicks in as darkness settles around me.

**The next day...**
"Hey." I hear someone whisper and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes to see the black hoodie in front of me. I look down as he sits cross legged. "What do you want?" I whisper harshly.  He chuckles and whispers. "I want you to be-" Red Coat's heels echo through the room and he stops himself from speaking. "That's enough, I said not to scare her, yet." Her tone was bitter and she stopped behind him. "What do you want me to do Miss?" The black hoodie says, his tone bitter but I could sense a smile under his mask. "You know exactly what she wants." Red Coat says and turns on her heel. "Good luck Spencer Jill Hastings." She says and my mouth parts in shock. She knows my middle name. But do I know her or is she just some creep? I don't get long to think about this before I feel a slap to my face. I swear under my breath. "Pay attention Spencer." He hisses. I glare at him as he asks. "Do you know who I am?" I stare at him, his voice sounds muffled but familiar. Then it hits me, I gasp and press against the pole trying to get as far away as possible.  He chuckles and says. "So you do remember me, my Spencer." He pulls his mask off and I stare into those blue eyes.  "Ian." I manage to choke out.  I quickly look around us.  We're in the bottom of an old building, I can tell by the architecture.  "There's no where to run Spencer, you're trapped to a pole." He says with an amused smile.  In his right hand I see a glimmer of silver and I scream.  He brings the blade of the knife to my throat and I stop myself from screaming.  "Scream again and I hurt you." He says.  I feel a laugh bubble up from my throat.  Ian looks at me oddly.  "As if you can hurt me as badly as before." I say the blade nipping my neck ever so slightly.  Ian smiles, an insane smile.  "You have no idea what I'm capable of." He says.  The blade cuts a little deeper and I wince and then kick him in the shin.  He makes a growling noise and his eye blaze at me like an icy fire.  "I'll be the one that kills you, don't you worry." He whispers.  I glare at him.  "Well you'll have to get in line a lot of people want to."  I think about Melissa, Dad, Hanna, Aria maybe even Emily.  "Ian." I hear the voice of Red Coat say.  "Oh yeah.  I almost forgot."  He says with a smile and then lowers the blade from my neck.  "Where is Allison?" He asks.  I laugh and feel a slice on my leg.  I cry out in pain and a thin trail of blood leaks from the cut.  "She's dead, you idiots." I hiss out.  "No, she's alive.  And we need to find her." Ian spits out.  "And you should know the answer.  Being the smartest friend of Allison."  Ian says.  "Give us the wrong answer again, and the same consequence will happen." Red Coat spoke and signalled to my leg.  And with that they both left.

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