Chapter 5: Sorry I lost my temper

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I hear the door open and a doctor walks in. Not just any doctor... It was Wren.

"Hello Spencer." He says.

"Wren." I say.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Fine." I reply.

He sits down on my bed and looks at me.

"Spencer." He says and looks at me in a way the makes me melt.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm sorry about last summer." He says.

I stare at him as all these memories flood back to me. Him kissing me, forcing me to do things I wouldn't usually do.

"Spencer." He says again and puts a hand on my leg. I jump and pull my leg away from him.

"Someone took a photo of us." I say.

"What? When?"

"Last summer when we were kissing." I say and show him the photo. He stares at it.

"Who sent this to you?"

"I don't know." I say and look at his hand that was lying on the bed.

Wren stands up when he hears the door open.

"Nurse Darkbloom." Wren says grabbing his clipboard.

"Doctor Kingston. Sorry to bother you but a patient down three rooms down is having a problem." A familiar voice says with a fake accent. Wren walks out of the room.

"So how are you going Sp- Miss Hastings?" The nurse asks.

"Fine thanks." I reply.

"Okay so doctor Kingston told me that you can leave today after examination." The nurse says her voice fading into an American accent.

"Alison?" I ask.

But she's gone and I just sit there in the room.

"Right it's time for you examination." Wren says and he looks at my wound. He's fingers brushed my neck and I jump slightly. He realises and takes his hands away from me.

"Your fine. But I recommend for you to stay an extra hour. Just to make sure." He says. I look at the clock and see it's 6:00pm. When I gaze back to where Wren is standing he was gone.

(Toby's POV)

I hear my phone get a text message and I check it. I look at a blocked id and panic a bit. I click the message.

"Hey Toby, it's Spencer. I'll be out of hospital today. So you want to go to The Grille tonight?"

I smile and text back.

"Sure thing. I'll pick you up from where and when?"

"7:30? Hospital." She's texts back quickly.

"Sure thing." I text back.

I smile and look at the clock. 6:00pm.. I quickly get up from my lounge and run for the shower. I quickly shower, wash my hair and then dry it. I quickly brush my hair then run into my room to find some clothes. Nothing to casual but nothing to formal.. I grab a blazer like jacket and faded striped shirt with a collar and a pair of black pants. I put it on. I sigh. Thank god. This hopefully looks okay. I hope..

(Spencer's POV)

I hear the door slam shut and I wake up with a start. My eyes try and focus as I hear the door lock. I hear the shuffle of people's feet move across the room. My eyes focus but are still a bit blurry. I see three figures. One girl wearing a red coat and two people wearing black hoodies. "Who are you?" I ask. They don't reply they just move towards me. I open my mouth and was about to scream when the girl put her hand over my mouth while the two in hoodies grabbed my arms. I try to scream but nothing escapes my lips. I thrust my legs and one of the people in the hoodies falls. I throw a punch with my free hand at the other hoodie. They let go for a second then grab my arms and wraps a rope around them. I bite the girl's hand and she pulls it away. My eyes focus on the girl wearing the red coat and I her see brown hair. The girl orders the black hoodies and they grab me and push me against the wall. My face squashes into the wall and the wound on my head trickles slightly. I start to black out. All of a sudden the girl in the red coat runs off and jumps out the window. I struggle to free myself but the hoodies shove me back into the wall. I let out a scream.

"Shut up!" One of them hissed their voice sounding so familiar. I look towards the clock to see it was 7:25pm. I tense my muscles in my legs then spring onto the one who spoke to me. I hit them with my tied hands. The other grabbed my hair quite softly but I still whip around and can tell that the hoodie was a guy and I kicked him hard in his 'personal region'. He lets out a moan of pain and I whip around to face the other hoodie but find that they had ran away. I turn back to the other hoodie who attacks me. I fall backwards my arms are thrown above my head and the boy pins my arms with one of his arms and then cuts the rope they was tied around my hands. I see the door whip open and my vision clears all of a sudden. I see Toby standing there in shock. The hoodie quickly escapes out the window just when Toby chases him. "Toby!" I say. He looks at me. "It's fine." I say. I runs over to me and I just realise how hot he looks in his casual yet formal suit. He puts his hand on my head over my wound.

"Spencer, what happened?" He asked.

As I explain what happened his eyes widened in shock.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked.

"No. I'll be fine to go to The Grille." I add.

"I'm not sure that's a good i-"

"Please! I've been stuck in here for too long!" I whine.

He looks at me then looks at what I'm wearing. I look at what I'm wearing and realise I'm wearing a hospital gown. I blush slightly.

"Let me change first." I say. He nods and looks out the window.

I quickly rush to the bag of clothes mum left for me. I grab a white shirt with black detail on it and a black skirt. I quickly put them on and then braid my hair. I do my makeup with my mirror and notice Toby peering at me from the window. After I finish my makeup I turn around but he looks away. I put black earrings in and then slip on some white heels. I turn around and walk over to Toby.

"Wow." He says mostly to himself.

I smile and be blushes.

"Thank you Mr Cavanaugh." I say.

"No problem." He replies calmly.

He puts his arm out to link with mine and I hesitate. I have a flashback of the hoodies and Wren. What would of happened if Toby didn't come into the room. I grab his arm and relax.

"Let's go to dinner." I say and smile. We walk out of the room and I see Wren stare at us. I grip onto Toby a bit more. He notices then looks at Wren. He stops and stares at him.

"Toby. Let's leave." I say.

Toby puts his arm around me and then walks forcing me to walk with him. I smile and whisper.

"Thank you."

***hey guys sorry I've been busy writing this book and so busy with school! I won't be able to update for awhile since I have common testing next week. Hope you are enjoying this book! Just a question how old are you guys? Just so then I won't go overboard on details etc. love Spobykisses xoxo***

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