Chapter 2: Sarcasm

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(Emily's POV)

I was sitting next to Toby in the lab. He seemed slightly distracted. He was stirring the rod in the beaker quickly which made it keep hitting the sides.

"Careful. That glass beaker is made out of glass." I said and smiled.

Toby looked at me with a slight smile and let me stir the liquid in the beaker.

"Sorry I had a tough day yesterday." He said.

I bit my bottom lip as I remember the shaving cream falling out of his locker and me just walking away. I look away and write down the results for the experiment. I give Toby my book so he can write the results down. Even though we hadn't finished yet the bell rang. Toby smelled the liquid and screwed up his face.

"Agh smell this." He says putting the beaker under my nose.

I pushed his hand away and it spilled all over him and his books.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I say.

"It's okay." Toby says as he drys his clothes and I dry his books.

I get up and give him his books back.

"I better go. I'm late for swimming." I say before dashing off.

(Spencer's POV)

I slam my locker shut and jump as Toby is standing on the other side of my now closed locker.

"I'm not going to pity you." I say.

Toby looks taken back by my words. But I don't care I'm in a bad mood. I push past him but he grabs my arm. I turn to face him.

"Let go of me! You... You.." I yell but don't finish my sentence.

Toby just frowns and lets go of my arm and then walks off. I sigh. 'Why do I keep being so rude to him? Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure he killed Ali.' I thought to myself. Aria looks at me from the other side of the hallway with worry.

"Hey A...ria." I say nearing face palming myself since I use to call her A but that was before the A thing.

"Hey Spence.." She says.

I look at her expression, it's still worry.

"You look like you have both seen a ghost." Says Emily coming out of no where with Hanna.

"Does Toby count?" I say.

Aria and Hanna laugh but Emily stays silent her expression blank.

"Toby isn't that bad guys." Emily says clearly annoyed.

We all look at her with half surprise and half amazement at how angry her voice was.

"I'm sorry Em but he gives me the creeps." Hanna says.

"Plus he totally is the guy who killed our best friend." Aria says.

Emily looks annoyed and walks off. I look at Aria and Hanna who's expressions are regretful. I quickly walk after Emily.

"Em.. I'm sorry." I say but she just ignores me.

"Em look I am really sorry.." I say but she still ignores me.

"I'm... I'm... I'm on my period." I say finally and quite loudly. Emily whips her head around with a slight smirk on her face.

"Really?" She says still with quite a smart ass smirk.

"Oh for god's sake." I say and she laughs and grabs my arm.

"You love me." She says as we walk towards her car.

I roll my eyes and mutter a yes.

"Need a left?" She asks. I just nod.

***sorry for such a bad chapter it will get better I promise!!***

Pretty Little Liars: A Spoby TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora