Chapter Two

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Your P.O.V

We arrive at The Coffee Bean and walk inside, Mordecai and Rigby walking ahead while I trail behind sullenly, frowning and muttering curses under my breathe. Mordecai turns to look at me and sighs, "Listen, I'm sorry about before, ok? I'll buy you a coffee", he offers, smiling peacefully. I shake my head and drop my arms, "I would like a cute boyfriend and a life times supply of Candy hut ice cream, But I guess I can't have it". I run my hands through my (H/C) (H/L) hair and sigh.

Mordecai pats my shoulder, his blue eyes darkening knowingly, "C'mon, lets get some waffles, Eillen makes crazy blue waffles and they taste AWESOME!" he says, grabbibg my hand and pulling me over to the counter. Eileen smiles at us as she hands a plate of blue waffles with blue chip ice cream on the side, "You guys will have to share since we're running low on certain ingridients, someone ate most of it", she says, shooting a small glare at Rigby.

"WHAT!" the brown haired midget yells, icing sugar around his mouth, "I didn't do anything!" "That's fine with me", Mordecai says, smiling and taking the plate over to one of the empty booths, letting me sit down first before sitting next to me.

Mordecai cuts a piece of the waffle and feeds it to me with his fork. I blush, "Mordo". He smiles and feeds me another piece, this time adding a small piece of ice cream, "C'mon". I blush harder and eat it, closing my eyes and smiling, "Mmmm... Thanks, it tastes great". He smirks, "Haha, told ya so dude". We finish the waffle, realising there's one piece left.

"You have it", Mordecai says, smiling. I shake my head, "No, you have it".
"Have it".
"No, you have it".
"Just have it".
"No, it's fine".
"Please take it".
"No, I don't want it".
"Just take it, I know you want it".

I look down at the last piece of waffle and cut it in half. He rolls his eyes and chuckles, taking one half of the left over piece of waffle. I take the other piece of waffle, eating it and savouring the sweet and crispy flavour. "So... I was wondering something..." he says, trailing off into silence. I look at him, tilting my head to the side in question.

His cheeks are flushed a faint pink and he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "Do you want to watch a movie later... Just you and me?" he asks nervously. Why's he nervous, I wonder to myself, "Sure, sounds fun". Doesn't he remember the last time we tried to watch a movie together?

Mordecai and you sat on the couch whilst watching a horror movie that has waaay too many jumpscares. The room was dark and you weren't expecting the jumpscare. You scream. Push the popcorn off of the sofa where it falls to the ground, spreading kernels everywhere and jump into Mordecai's lap, burying your face in his chest and sobbing like crazy.
He rolls his eyes and pushes you off of him, sneering, "(Y/N) don't be such a baby, dude it's just a movie". You feel your cheeks flush hot with embarrassment and shame.
End flashback

"What movie?" I question sheepishly. "Dead doll, I got it on dvd and I've been dying to watch it", he says, smiling. I pale slightly. Oh no! It's that paranormal movie with hundreds of jumpscares, all worse than the last, what am I going to do? He'll probably call me a baby, I can't back out or else he'll be disappointed and probably be mad at me.

He waves his long fingered hand in front of my eyes and whistles, "Hello, anyone home?" I snap out of my trance and laugh nervously, "Sorry, I was miles away". He chuckles, "Like you usually are". I giggle, "We should get back to the park, Benson's probably gonna skin us alive, but I don't wanna get fired and I'm sure you feel the same way". He nods and stands up, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I almost fall back and he pulls harder and I bump into his chest.

"Woah, steady on there lil (n/n)", he says, smiling down at me, his hand brushing against my waist. Rigby walks over to us and sighs, "Mordecai, Eileen wonn't let me have anymore Ice cream", he whines. "We can get some more ice cream later at Candy hut, but we have to go back to the park first", Mordecai says, walking out of the shop and waiting for us to catch up. He then turns to me, "Want a piggyback?" he offers, bending down.

I nod and climb on, blushing as hewraps his arms around my legs tightly. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my chin in the crook of his neck. He stands and begins running, his blue and black clip emo styled hair blowing in my face. My (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing back.

Authors note

just so you guys know.
(N/n) means nickname and means the same things as (F/n) which means favourite name.
{N/n = Nickname}
{F/n = Favourite name}
From Snow xxx

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