Chapter Eight

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A/N, Hi guys, I hope you're enjoying this story so far. You're probably going to hate me for doing this, but I'm going to swtich P.O.V.s so that you guys can know whats going on with Snow, if you're a Steven Universe Lover then me and you are besties. I'm going to be using the Mangle Instrumental because this describes whats going to happen in this chapter, hope you enjoy.

Edit (2018) Heya guys it's been a while and I'm really sorry about not updating. I saw that people were still reading this story so I'm going to release the rest of the draft chapters then maybe discontinue this. If anyone wants to write a continuation let me know. Thank you for reading and please enjoy these final chapters.

Snow's P.O.V

I run down the pathway of the park and round to where there are a load of gigantic oak trees, making everything shadowy. The leaves cruch under my feet as I walk and I look around. I thought searching for a warp pad would be easy, but I guess it isn't.

These warp pad's don't seem to be planted everywhere. I push through some branches and gasp, running over to the stone like stage. A warp pad! I brush the fallen leaves off of it and notice the cracks in it. Yup, this one's busted. I don't need Aquamarine and Citrine to tell me that.

I sink to the ground and sigh. I wonder how the warp pad got broken. I couldn't have been any of the other gems. Maybe it was. Maybe someone knew that other gems would try and cross over from different warps, dimensions, space. I push myself up, brushing off my jeans and beginning to walk back through the trees. Maybe I could fix it with some of Skips' tools.

As I walk back up to the house, I notice someone standing at the front door. The girl has long, flowing fiery orange hair. As I approach, she seems to sense me and turns around. Her large eyes are a burning orange and her clothes -Burgundy jean shorts, black and red crop top and bright red converses- seem to be ripped in the fashionable way.

I gasp, getting into a fighting stance. She laughs. "I told you not to come here lava crystal!" I growl, feeling my cheeks heat with fury. She laughs again, "Hello, Snow Quartz, it's nice to see you again", she says, beginning to walk down the steps towards me. My eyes burn with cold rage, "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to NEVER return! Why did you bother returning?!" I yell.

Her smile fades slightly, "The Gem's... They need you, they've been worrying about you... Jasper was a fool, she tried imprisoning the crystal gems, but the ship was crashed and we lost interface with the captain of the ship. There are cruel humans after us, known as scientists and led by their idiotic leader, Elizabeta Steel. They've come to destroy all the Gem's, to fuse us together and to create nightmarish concoctions", the girl explains, her orange eyes flashing with sadness, "There is no way we can get home, I came to warn you, they're coming after you. You must fight against them to save our kind".

"Why should I trust you, the last time we worked together, you betrayed me!" I yell. She sighs, "You're a Gem, you need to believe me, we need to put our differences aside, the past is the past. Fire and Ice. Lava and Snow, become one and fight together", she says softly. I shake my head, "I gave up being a Gem, I wanted to be normal, you idiot's wouldn't allow it, So I went ahead and did it anyway".

"You can't just give up being a Gem, you still have your gem, proving you are still one of us", she explains, walking down the steps towards me, "You are one of us and you will always be one of us, you can't run from this". I go back into my fighting stance, "You can't make me!" I yell.

"Then you give me know choice", Lava murmurs, smirking and a big fireball appears in her hand, "Prepare to be destroyed".

He's My Best Friend (Human!Mordecai X Reader) // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now