Chapter Four

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"Go faster", you yell, your cheeks flushed with warm blush. Mordy Pushes the joystick harder, groaning, sweat trickling down his forehead. You release a yell of victory and both you and Mordecai stand up, highfiving. Snow breaks the forth wall and stares at reader-chan, "Their not having sex, ok... huehuehuehue, maybe later, who knows, huehuehue, I am the author, huehuehuehue, now go and fix the forth wall". "I told you we could beat them", he says, laughing and hugging you. Rigby sighs and puts his controller down on the coffee table, "Why does this ALWAYS happen?" Snow hugs him and smiles, "I'm sure you'll beat him next time", she says reassuringly, her silver eyes glittering. Rigby nods, "I guess you're right".

Mordecai glances at his watch and turns to you, "We should get going if we wanna get to the shop before it closes". You nod and you both get up, walking to the door. "Where are you guys going?" Snow asks curiously. "To get some ice cream", you say, picking up your purse and turning to look round.

Rigby whispers something in her ear and she giggles (Maybe it's about the plot huehuehuehuehuhehueuehuehuhehuehuehuehuehuheu), "Bring me back a raspberry ripple special, would ya?" she asks, chucking you a five dollar bill, "And for the man, chocolate butternut special". "You know my favourite?" he asks, turning to look at her. She nods, blushing slightly.

"Gotcha, we'll be back in a few, try not to break anything or trash the house", you say, tucking the five dollar bill into your back pocket and smirking slightly. Mordecai follows, laughing as you close the door, "Would you like a piggyback, madam?" he ask sweetly. You shake your head, but a few minutes later you feel way too lazy to walk the rest of the way. "Mordy", you say softly, turning to look up at him and blink doefully. He sighs and picks you up bridal style, carrying you the rest of the way there.

Back At The House...

"I've known you since junior, and we used to go to Candy Hut all the time and you always ordered the same thing", Snow says, getting up and picking up her controller from where it's fallen to the floor. "I didn't expect you to remember something like that", Rigby says, smiling slightly. "Well, you're one of my best friends, of course I'd remember something like that", Snow explains. Rigby looks down at his hands, "Yeah...Friends".

Snow quirks an eyebrow, watching and realising he seems down, "Whats wrong, Rigbo?" He shakes his head, "It's nothing". She sits next to him, "Rigbo please don't lie to me", she says quietly. He sighs, "It just bothers me that everyone I know seems to be in a relationship, or has been in a relationship, I'm the only one who hasn't, and it's sad because... Well... I like this one girl, I've liked her since I met her and I think she has a boyfriend, but whenever I get the chance to try and ask her out or tell her how I feel, I clam up and can't say a thing", Rigby explains.

Snow listens, "This girl must be pretty cool and cute if she can have that effect on you". "She is, she's amazing", Rigby says, blushing ever so slightly. "I'm sure this girl would be understanding, you never know, she might feel the same way and she may be out there waiting for you and only you, maybe realising how perfect you are for each other", Snow says, blushing faintly, "You should tell her before it's too late".

"You really think so?" Rigby asks, blushing harder. Snow nods, "Mhm, you're a really great guy Rigbo,you just need the confidence to talk to this girl". "But I'm talking to her right now".

At Candy Hut...

You two walk out of the ice cream shop bickering playfully. "Give it to me", Mordecai says, trying to get to his Ice cream. You shake your head, giggling, "Nu-uh". Mordecai pushes you against the wall of a near alleyway, staring down at you, his eyes dark, "Would you give it to me if I did this?" he says, leaning his face closer to yours and staring down at you lustfully. You push him away gently as he tries to get closer, "Cut it out dude, I'm carrying the ice cream all the way back and theres nothing you can do", you say, walking past him and all of sudden feel faint.

He notices the change in your skintone, realising you're paler than normal, he wraps his arm your waist and pulls you into him, picking you up and allowing you to wrap your legs around his torso and hold the ice cream. "Are you ok?" he questions as he carries you. You nod and bury your face in his soft blue hair, he carries you all the way back to the park and opens the front door to the house..

The House...

Rigby and Snow are only a few inches apart when the door opens and Mordecai walks in, still carrying you. Rigby and Snow both jump away from each other, guilty blush staining their faces. Mordecai takes no notice of this and walks into the kitchen, putting away the ice cream in the freezer and smiling gently as he feels you cling tightly to him like a spider monkey, "(Y/N)..." he whispers, stroking your (H/L) (H/C) hair softly as he carries you to his bedroom.

He's My Best Friend (Human!Mordecai X Reader) // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now