Chapter Six

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By the time you get back into the living room, the movie is on the options screen. You put the ice cream, soda and popcorn down on the table and sit down next to Mordecai, snuggling into the blanket he'd given you incase you got scared. He presses play and the movie starts. You feel a shiver run down your spine.

* * *

You hide under your blanket as there's a jumpscare. When you think it's over, you pull the blanket off and scream as there's another jumpscare, this time jumping on Mordecai and your face buried in the crook of his neck, whimpering. You feel him slip an arm around your waist and begin stroking your (Vag - nah, it's too early for that, soon my pretty's, soon) (H/L) (H/C) hair as you shook. "If the movie's too scary, I can turn it off", Mordecai whispers softly.

"But, you're watching it", you say, your head still buried in his neck. "The movie's way too scary for me anyway", he says quickly. You nod and he gets up, switching the dvd player off and taking the disk out. He comes back and sit's down next to you.

(Y/N P.OV)

He pulls me closer and strokes my hair, resting my head on his shoulder. I begin to purr as he strokes me and he chuckles, "Are you a cat (n/n)?" I nod and move my head to look right at him. He's staring at me, his blue eyes misty and dark. "Mordecai... What's wrong?" I ask. He smiles, touching the side of my face with his hand, "You're so beautiful", he whispers. I feel my cheeks heat and he kisses me, this time, the kiss is full of suspressed passion.

He breaks away and cuddles me, placing his chin on top of my head. I don't know what it is, but this feels so right. His soft blue-black hair tickles my cheek and I play with a few of the strands. "Mordecai?" I question as I play with his hair. "(N/n)?" he replies. "Why does this feel so right?" I ask quietly. His cheeks flame and he gives a small laugh, "I don't know, maybe because..." he says, trailing off into silence.


Because what?" I frown. "Because I like y- I mean because we're best friends, we're the special kind of family", Mordecai stutters, flushing beet-red. "So does that make me the mom, you the dad and Rigby the child?" I ask curiously. (*Giggles* Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue, Mordo-Chan and Reader-Chan did the do to create Rigby-Chan, huehuehuehuehue) "That means we'd be married". "And we're not even together".

Mordecai looks around and then pulls off one of the many thin black rings he's wearing and gets down on one knee. "What are you doing?" I as, surprised. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), will you do me the pleasure of marrying me in two years time?" he asks, his eyes glittering with hope. I nod and smile as he slips the ring on my finger. "You have to keep this on until we get married, promise?" he says, putting out his pinkie. We lock our pinkies together, "I promise... But we're still not together". He frowns, thinking.

"You have 365 days to make me fall in love with you and become your girlfriend, then your fiànce, when those 365 days are up and if we're together, we get married six months after. But if the 3665 days are up and we're not together, the promise will be broken", I say, He smiles, "Agreed". "Mordecai, you have 365 to complete the mission, starting from 8.30am", I say, smiling. "I will succeed ", Mordecai says getting up and going up the stairs, "Goodnight Honey Bunnie". I blush, "Goodnight MordoMan", I reply, following him up the stairs and going into my room, closing the door behind me.

He's My Best Friend (Human!Mordecai X Reader) // DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now