Chapter 15: Confrontation

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Today we are doing an interview for E News!. This week on the show they are doing a segment on the women of the Pack. They are gonna sit all of us down and ask us you know what's it like being married or involved with one of the sexiest men on television and the challenges we have to encounter as the women. So today it gonna myself, my mom, Emily, Kim and Rachel. I have decided to go first because I might be the one who has all the issues going on. "Hey Guiliana" I said giving her a hug. She was the one doing the interview. She returned the hug and we sat down to start the interview. "So Leah you are the only female member of the Pack. Tell me what it's like being the only woman" she asked. "Well for me personally it's hard. Because I feel that because I'm the only woman I have a lot to prove and I do. I have to show that I'm just as good as the guys" I said. "Why do you feel you need to prove yourself" she asked. "I feel I need to prove myself because I'm sometimes looked down on and people think less of me and I have to prove to them that I'm a star and I can be it" I said. "How has this world affected your relationship with your fellow members" she asked. "It hasn't affected our relationship in any way. When we came into this world we said we were coming together and that's how we are. By relation we are all cousins but we consider ourselves to be brothers or sister in my case" I said laughing. "We all love each other very, very much and e are very protective of each other and we have to stay so close knit for this world to not tear us apart" I said. "Ok Leah thank you I appreciate it" she said. "Thank you so much" I said. I came off the chair and went over to the snack table. "How was the interview" Emily asked me. "It was good"


I was next to do interviews with Guiliana Rancic and I think my interview is gonna be longer and more condensed. I think so because we would have a lot to talk about my divorce and Sam and my daughter. "So how has your relationship with been with Sam since your divorce" she asked. "Well it's been good you know. He puts us first which is what's important and I believe we need maintain some sort of civil friendship for our daughter's sake" I said. "How has this lifestyle affected how you and Sam interact with each other" "There are some things in his life and things that he does I can't deal with like the groupies and the video hoes I can't deal with that" I said. "Why" "Because those bitches are nothing but hoes who have fucked around in the industry and all they want from him is his money" I said. "And I have told him on many occasions I don't want these bitches around my daughter" "Ok" "I feel like it's highly inappropriate to have women such as them around my child. These women dress very stripperish and hoeish and they look like they've just left the joint and I don't want my daughter seeing things like that at her age. It's not right" I said. "Ok do you think you would ever get back into the dating pool and get married hopefully" I laughed before I answered her. "You asking that question is coincidence because I've actually recently been thinking about dating again. But I haven't been on any dates recently so we'll have to wait and see" I said. "What does Sam think about that" "Ugh we actually had a conversation about this a few weeks ago and he's cool with it but we established some ground rules. We said that whoever I may be with they shouldn't be around Brianna and vice-versa" I said. "Ok great Emily thank you" she said. "Thank you" I said and I got up out of the interview chair. Whooo thank god that's over.


I heard from a source that today Leah is supposed to be doing some interview for E News and I thought why not show up on the set and give this bitch a piece of my mind. Who in the hell does she think she is hanging out around my man? I have had enough of all of this bullshit. Trey lying to me and hanging out with this bitch behind my back. Why are you hanging out with her in the first place? Leah needs to understand that things aren't the same as when they were dating. There is a child now in the equation and I would really appreciate it if she stayed away and let us be happy and be a family. I am in my car driving to the E News studios. As I drove I heard my phone, I picked it up and saw that it was Brandy. "Hey girl" I said. "Hey what's up. Whatcha doing" "I'm heading to the E News studios to have a little talk with Leah" I said. "Really you need backup" I laughed at her. "Nah girl I don't need back up I'm good. I think I can handle this one on my own" I said. "You sure" "Yeah" I said. "Ok I gotta go" "Bye" she said. I hung up the phone and continued driving. I pulled up to the E News studios, parked my car and got out. As I did there was a bunch of paparazzi outside snapping pictures of me. I pulled open the door and walked into the air conditioned building. Time to get confrontational


Here I am sitting in the chair getting make up done for the photo shoot portion of today. Everyone was already done with their interviews and we just needed to the photo shoot. I had my eyes closed as Eva, the makeup artist dusted some green eye shadow on my upper lid. I heard the click clack sound of heels coming. I wondered who it was. I opened my eyes to see Lauren London standing in front of me. "Hello Leah" she said. "Hi Lauren what are you doing here" I asked. "We need to have a talk" she said. "I'm seeing pictures of you and my man hanging out in the media. What the hell is that about" "What about it" I said. "Why are you hanging around my man" "Can't we hang out. We're friends" I said. "You know what I'm trying to be calm and civilized about this and try not to go off on you but you're making it very hard" "What am I doing Lauren" I said. "I want to know why are you hanging around my man" "We are just friends can't two friends hang out together" I asked. "Ugh not two friends who dated for 9 months and almost got married" "Lauren you are jumping to conclusions ok. Nothing is going on between me and Trey" I said. I can't believe this bitch has the nerve to come here and tell me that something is going on between me and Trey when its not. "You know what Leah I would appreciate it if you would stop hanging around my man ok" "So what are you trying to tell me. We can't be friends" I asked. "Hell no" "You know what you can't say that ok. I'm gonna let Trey decide if we are going to be friends or not. You have no right to come here and tell me this" I said. "Leah you need to understand something ok" she said. "Trey and I are together ok. We are having a baby" Great she has to rub that baby thing in my face. "And we are getting married" she said holding up her finger to show me her big ass diamond ring. "I don't need you getting in the way of that" "Getting in the way of what Lauren. I'm not getting in the way of anything" I said. "Trey and I are just friends" "Just friends Leah I have seen the pictures in the media and they don't look like two friends to me" "Those are just pictures Lauren they don't mean anything" I said. "They might not mean anything to you but they mean something to me" she said. "I have to going on E News and seeing you and my man having lunch with his family" "Lauren OMG for the last time there's nothing going between me and Trey. We haven't even kissed" I said. "You know what you're freakin impossible. Just let it be known" she began to say. "Let it be known" I said. "Just let it be known to stay away from my man ok. If you value your life you'll stay away and I'm fucking serious Leah. I'm not playing with you" I watched this bitch like she was crazy. She don't know who the fuck she dealing with. I believe everyone forgot what I did to Helen Gedlu two years. I cost that bitch her marriage and her career. "You not playing huh bitch you don't know who the fuck you dealing with ok" I said. "And I'm not gonna stay away from Trey" "So you're not gonna stay away. Even after everything I just said" "No" I said. "I'm not gonna stay away from Trey. I'm gonna let Trey decided if we are gonna be friends or not and I'm not gonna be out of Trey's life until he tells me to be so get use to seeing this face got it" "Stay away from my man Leah that's all I got to say" she said and she began walking away. "Learn to stop being so insecure Lauren" I called after her but she continued walking. "Be a better woman, be a better wife and be a better mother" I said.


(Brandy's House- Calabasas, California)

"Bran it's like this bitch isn't taking me seriously" I said. "I went there to tell her to stay away from Trey and she's taking it as a joke and I don't know why" "I told her to stay away and that I don't want to see anymore reports in the news about you and my man together" I said. "And she didn't take it seriously" "No she just brushed it off" I said. "And she talking about what she's only gonna be out of Trey's life when he tells her to be" I said. "Well then you gotta find some way to get Leah out of Trey's life" "But how. How do I get her out of our lives" I said. "Two words" Brandy said. "Sam Uley" "Sam Uley" I said. "Sam Uley from the Pack. Him and Leah used to date" "Shut the fuck up" I said. "Yeah they were high school sweet hearts" "What" I said. "But what happened to their relationship" "That we don't know" "Damn" I said. "The key to destroying Leah Clearwater is Sam Uley and you need to go to him to get information" "You know what I'll do it" I said. Sam Uley here I come.

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