Chapter 44: Why Are You Making Things So Hard

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Things have been going a lot better with Lauren. We are in the process of planning our baby shower. We've decided that the baby shower is going to be on the 11th of November. I have already called my mom and my family and told them of the date so most likely they will be here for it. Lauren and I need to go over some ideas for the baby shower. We are here at restaurant downtown talking. "So what are your ideas for the baby shower" I asked. "Well I was thinking that we could have it at the Waldorf or the Palace or at the Four Seasons" she said. I let out a frustrated groan and buried my face in my hands. Lauren is still with this hotel ballroom thing. Lauren is crazy. She is gonna go and rent out the ballroom of a 5 star hotel for a baby shower. Who the fuck does that? "Lauren don't you think that the Waldorf is a little over the top for a baby shower" I said. "No it's not like this is a big deal Trey. It's very important" "Yes I understand that it's an important event but is it necessary to have the baby shower at a hotel. I mean we can have it right at home" I said. "You are who you are and I am who I am" she said. "And there are gonna be a lot of celebrities there so we need to maintain a certain standard". Lauren is going overboard with this baby shower. Now I may not be a woman and I may not know anything about babies but I know that you don't rent out a 5-star hotel's ballroom for a baby shower. I know that the baby shower is normally held at the home of the couple. I don't know if since then baby showers have taken a different turn. "Lauren this is too much" I said. "We can have the shower right at home and everyone can come. We don't need all of this publicity for our baby shower. This is not a red carpet event. We don't need it" "Well I wanna have it at the Waldorf" she said. "I'm not saying that celebrities can't come. We have friends in the industry that we are very close and we know them on a personal level but that's it. There shouldn't be any paparazzi, press or media" I said. "You know what fine let's not have it at the hotel ok" she said giving in. "Thank you" I said. I guess I finally made my point. A baby shower is a family event. It's where the families of both the mother and the father gather to give the couple presents and talk and mingle and have a good time. We do not need all of this over the topness. It's unnecessary. I don't know why Lauren insists on making things hard.


I turned open the door of my house and walked in. It's been a long day. My time is all over the place. Between dealing with the fashion show and recording the album I haven't had much time for myself. My manager told me recently that we're gonna have to start promoting the album. Which means appearances, music videos, interviews, magazine shoots so my life is gonna be really jam packed once we start promoting. I sat on my couch in the living room and put my feet up. The couch felt so good against my body. All of my muscles relaxed as I lay down. I could do with a nice massage right now to just relieve all of the stress on me. A soothing bath would be nice right now. I picked up my bag and headed upstairs. I got upstairs to my room and throw my bag on the bed. I went to my bathroom and started to get the bath organized. I turned the water on and began to fill up the tub. I turned the hot water on too so I could have the perfect blend of the both. I turned it off pleased with the water that I had. I went to the closet and got out some candles and proceeded to light them. I lit about 5 and they were scented candles so they really made the room feel and smell nice. I got my bubble bath out of the cabinet and poured some in. I turned back on the water so it would bubble up. I turned it back off and went back to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and into my robe. I walked back into the bathroom and slipped off my robe letting it fall to the floor leaving me naked. I placed my foot into the water and sat down. "Ahhh" I said as I completely entered the water. The temperature of the water was exactly right. I felt my muscles sooth as the water lingered around me. I took my glass of wine of the ledge of the bathtub and took a sip. I hummed along to the soft music that was playing in the background. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. I need someone to come in and wash my back and massage my shoulders. Just as I thought about it, I looked up and saw a man in my door way, Trey.

I was startled when I saw him. "Trey" I said. "What are you doing" "I came to see you" he said. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and white wife beater. "Oh" I said. He came a little closer to me. I started to hallucinate. "Lovely bath you have here" he said. "Can I join you?" "Sure" I said not knowing exactly why I did. I took off the wife beater revealing his chest and abs. "Damn" I said as I licked my lips. His body was still banging after all this time. He unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor leaving him in those Calvin Klein boxer briefs I like to see. He pulled off his boxer briefs unleashing the beast. Holy shit! I started breathing heavily once I saw it. He smirked when he saw my reaction. Seeing the beast had me thinking. Had Trey always been that big? I haven't seen any in a while so it might be different for me. I moved forward so he could climb in behind me. He settled in behind me and I laid my head on his chest. We remained silent for a while. His hands trailed up and down my body. It was so good. Without saying a word, he took my sponge and began massaging my back. I threw my head back and moaned. Damn Trey is really talented with his hands. Now I know what girls went so crazy about when Trey called them up on the stage for a massage during the Passion, Pain and Pleasure World Tour. He finished massaging my back and placed back my sponge. I went back to the position I was in before. "Why did you come tonight" I asked. "I came to see you" he said. "Wow" I said. "I need a woman" he said. "A real woman not a little girl like Lauren who has insecurities". I looked up at him and saw he was serious. "I'm gonna leave her" he said. I turned around to face him completely. Not believing what I just heard. "What" I said. "I'm gonna leave Lauren" "Why" I asked. "Because I can't deal with her bullshit anymore and besides I can't go another day without being with you". I looked at him in shock not knowing what to say. "I love you Leah" he said and he kissed me softly.

I snapped back to reality. What am I thinking? Why am I having these fantasies about Trey? He's not gonna leave Lauren. He has his child to think about. I need to stop this no more dreams and no more fantasies. I rinsed myself off and got out of my bath. I got back to my bedroom and changed into my night gown. I jumped into my bed and laid in it. I turned on the TV to distract me from what I just fantasized about.

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