Chapter 86: Surprise, Surprise

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Schemers, I was trying to get a slide show done with the pictures but the person I inboxed to do it had not responded to me yet so I just decided to go ahead and put up this chapter without it. I’ll put the slide show with the pictures later on. Enjoy the chapter J and remember to VCR. Vote. Comment. Read.


Now I know what some of ya’ll are thinking. How could Leah hit Trey like that? I’m sorry but I was so angry that he let Lauren throw Mama April and Forrest out of the house that I put my hands on Trey which I shouldn’t have done. A man should never put his hands on a woman and men should get the same respect so women should do the same and not hit a man. I was wrong for putting my hands on Trey like that. I have never had the cause to get physical like that with Trey and I am sorry for what I did. But I felt like it was the only way I could get through to him. The Bible says love is patient, love is kind, love is respect, love is not envy, and love is not boastful. I’m at the studio tonight working some more on this new album. Rachel is also coming over to the studio tonight to talk to me. I’m at the piano working on melodies when she walked in. “Hi boo” she said. “Hi” I said getting up from the piano. “What’s up” she asked. “Nothing much I’m good you look amazing” I said. “Thank you well you know how I do” “So how’s the album work coming along” I said. “It’s coming along really well I’m working on this new song called V.S.O.P” “Ok sounds unique” she said. “So have you talked to anyone close to Trey since everything went down at the baby shower” “Yes I have” I said. “I talked to his brother and I talked to Trey last night” “How did that go?” “It did not go very well” I said. “What happened” “I confronted him about him allowing Lauren to throw his mother and brother out of the house” I said. She looked at me with a confused expression on her face. “Huh” she said. “After everything that happened at the baby shower, Lauren threw Mama April and Forrest out of the house” I said. “She did what” “She threw them out. She put them out of the house” I said. “Wow that is a little extreme don’t you think” “That is very extreme and I cannot believe she went that far. She demanded that they leave” I said. “How did you find out this” “Forrest came to see me a few nights ago and we talked” I said. “He told me that him and his mom have been staying at the Ritz-Carlton for the past 5 days” “Damn” “Yeah and I asked Trey to meet up with me here last night and we got into it” I said. “I was so upset that he allowed it happen that I hit him” “You hit him” she said in shock. “Yeah did” I said. “I slapped that nigga up his head because I was so mad” “Leah” she said “I cannot believe you did that” “I know and I will admit I was wrong for putting my hands on Trey like that” I said. “And what did he do” “He pushed me off of him” I said. “He pushed me with so much force that he sent me flying for the wall. I hit my fucking head Rachel” “Oh, my god” “That nigga is strong as fuck” I said. “Rachel feel this”. I let her feel the huge bump I got on my head from when my head connected to the wall. She gasped when she felt how big the bump is. “Leah” she said. “I cannot believe he did that”. You see how Trey pushed me last night while I was hitting him that’s exactly how he needs to be with Lauren. He needs to firm and stand his ground with her. When Trey pushed me last night, I saw the Trey that I knew. I saw the Trey that wouldn’t let a woman hit him. I saw the Trey that wouldn’t let a woman belittle and downgrade him like he’s some worthless individual. “I told him he needs to fix things with his mom and his brother before it’s too late” I said. “And I also told him until then I don’t wanna be around him” “Wow” “I told him I don’t want him around me until he fixes all of this” I said. “I told him to don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t come to my house just cease all contact with me” “Damn” “Yeah but I needed to do that so he could find the strength to apologize to his mom and his brother and I hope he does and I hope they find it in their hearts to forgive” I said. “Because it’s not his fault” “Well girl I’m gonna get going and I’m gonna let you get back to your work. I gotta get to this event” she said getting out of the chair. “Ok girl” I said. I stood up and gave her a hug. I walked to the door and held it open for her. “Bye girl” I said. With that she was gone, now it’s time for me to get back to the music grind

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