Chapter 67: Halloween Glam

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I am all ready for tonight I look absolutely fabulous and I know everyone is gonna love my outfit. I feel amazing and sexy in this French maid costume. “Ok guys so we’re all ready” I said. The makeup artist and hair stylist have already packed up their things. My assistant is gonna keep my duffle bag with her until tomorrow. I grabbed all of my necessary things and headed towards the elevator. I pressed the down button and waited for it to come. We got in and in a matter of seconds we were in the lobby area. I checked out of the hotel and headed for my car. As I walked outside, I was met with a mob of paparazzi. They were flashing their cameras everywhere. My bodyguard made sure that they didn’t get too close to me. I quickly entered the car and my driver closed the door behind me. I’m ready to get my party on. I’m in the car driving to the party and I still haven’t heard from Trey. Why am I acting like this though? I mean it’s just Trey. Why am I feeling this way if Trey isn’t coming to the party. I mean why should I care. He has a fiancée at home who is almost full term with their child. He isn’t gonna come. We pulled up to The Vault Nightclub and Lounge. I stepped out of the car and the cameras were already flashing and I hadn’t even gotten on the carpet yet. I took a deep breath before heading on to the carpet.

“Leah over here” I heard a photographer say. I turned towards him and gave different poses so everyone could get a good view of my costume. “Leah looking gorgeous tonight” another one said. One thing I would never get tired of is the red carpet part of the night. It’s such a magical feeling to have all these people paying attention to you. “Hello Leah” a tall blonde woman came over to me. “Hi” I said. “I’m Karen Wentz from” “Hi. How are you?” I asked. “I’m good. Could I get an interview for the website” “Sure of course” I said. She gave me a few minutes to get myself together while she signaled to the camera man to come over. “Ok Karen we’re on in 5” the camera man said. “4” “3” “2”. The man pointed his finger at Karen for her to start. “Hello everyone this is Karen Wentz for and I am here at Seth Clearwater’s Halloween Party at the Vault Nightclub and Lounge. Here with me I have Seth’s sister, the one and only Leah Clearwater” she said. The camera moved to me. “Hello Leah how are you” “I’m very good” I said. “I love your costume tonight. I’m guessing you’re supposed to be a French maid” “Yes I am French maid” I said. “Tell me what was your inspiration for this costume tonight” “Well you know I just wanted to dress up and do something really fun. I’ve always viewed French maids as being very sexy so that’s the direction in which I wanted to go in tonight” I said. “Well said” “Ok Leah let’s get into some more things” she said. “How do you feel about your brother’s relationship with Zendaya Coleman” “I think it’s great. She’s a nice girl and they fit perfect for each other and I’m glad to see Seth having a serious girlfriend. With my schedule and everything I don’t get much free time on my hands but I would really like to get to know her a whole lot better. Actually, yesterday I invited her to go shoe shopping with me for tonight. She helped me to pick out these shoes for tonight” I said. I twisted my foot so Karen could see my shoe. “Wow Christian Louboutin. Very nice choice” “Thank you” I said. “Now let’s get to some more serious things. Let’s talk about your ex-boyfriend, Trey Songz”. I laughed and grinned at her. I really don’t wanna talk about Trey. Trey and I’s relationship is something I don’t like to speak about very much. It’s a sensitive topic with me. “So we’ve been seeing in the headlines for the past few months that you two have been hanging out quite a bit” she said. “You’ve been going to lunch dates and other things. Are you guys getting back together? Could we possibly see a reunion?” “No” I said. “Not now I mean we’re just friends at this point. Trey and I sat down and decided we would be strictly platonic friends. We can’t be anything more because you know has fiancée” “Yes I know Lauren London” she said cutting me across. “Yeah he has fiancée and a child on the way that he has to think about” I said. “Since we’re on that topic, what are your thoughts on him getting married”I’m happy for him. I really am. He’s a good person and he deserves the best. I wish them all the best with their child and in their impending marriage” I said. “Well thank you so much Leah” she said. “Thank you” I said. “I hope to see you again sometime” “You too. Enjoy your night” I said. I gave her a hug and an air kiss before walking away. Enough interviews for the night now it’s to party.


Tonight is Seth’s party and I’m very excited about it. I haven’t even arrived yet and people are already talking about it on social media. Tonight I will be dressing up as a referee but before we go to the party tonight, Emily and I are gonna take Brianna trick or treating in the neighborhood. I know what you guys are probably thinking. Why am I still around Emily? I can’t help but be around her even if I didn’t wanna be around her I didn’t have the choice because I have to be here for Brianna. Brianna and Emily came downstairs together. Brianna was all dressed in her Princess Tiana costume. She looked so cute. “Awww baby girl you look so cute” I said. “Thank you daddy” she said. She looked so much like Emily. Every time I looked at Brianna I saw her. I took a picture of her and posted it to Instagram.

*Insert Picture*

My own little princess. She is too cute

I clicked post and then put my phone back in my pocket. “Ok everyone ya’ll ready to go” I asked. “Yeah we’re all ready” Emily said. “Yayyy trick or treating” Brianna shouted. She was holding jack-o-lantern shaped candy bag. Emily opened the door so we could leave. We stepped outside and it was a pretty cool night. We would just stay in the neighborhood and not go too far. We could hear music blasting in the distance. Sounds like a lot of people are having parties tonight well I’m going to my party later on tonight. We got to the first house and rang the door bell. A very young looking woman opened the door. “Trick or treat” Brianna said. “Awwww don’t you look cute” she said. “Here you go honey”. She dropped a bag with different types of candy into Brianna’s bag. “Thank you” Brianna said. “Thank you so much. You have a good night. Happy Halloween” I said. “Same to you”. We left that house and went to the next one. Brianna walked in front of us while we walked behind her. I wanted to talk to Emily about some things. I wanted to talk to her about my meeting with Leah in the park and her surgery tomorrow. “So I met up and talked to Leah the other day” I said. “Really. Oh joy” she said. She sounded kinda salty though. “I asked her about the whole situation that went down at the lunch she had with you and the rest of the girls” I said. “What did she say?” “She said that she did true and fact say that and that it was in the heat of the moment and she is sorry” I said. “She’s sorry” “Yeah she said she was sorry. She sounded pretty genuine about it and she sounds like she misses you guys a lot” I said. “I do miss her too” “I think you guys should just make up” I said. “I mean your surgery is tomorrow and I don’t think you should go in that operating room with that on your shoulders” “Ok I can accept that. I’ll make up with her” she said. “Come on Bri let’s go do some more trick or treating” I said.

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