Chapter 115: Tea Time

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Last night was so much fun. I had such a good time. Jared and I should totally double date more often. It's fun to just go out with other couples. Maybe I should hit up Sue and Charlie to see if they wanna do double date night. On to other things, I can't get over the tea Ashley spilled on me last night. I can't believe Trey and Lauren broke up. I did some investigating of my own and found out some more information. Lauren gave Trey back the engagement ring and moved out of the house. I mean it's one thing to call off your engagement but it's a whole other thing to move out of the house. That's when you know things are really bad. I don't know where Lauren is right now but all I can say is I hope she's safe. For the sake of her and her child, I hope she's safe. Pregnant women should not be left alone especially when they're almost full term. Today I'm spending some time with Rachel. We're gonna go get our feet done and catch up. We walked together to the nail spa. I pulled open the door to the nail spa and we walked in. It didn't have much people here. It was very quiet. Must be a slow day. I walked to the receptionist desk and gave our names. "Hi I'm here for a 12 o'clock pedicure appointment for two" I said. "Yes ma'am we've been expecting you right this way" she said. She brought us to our station and told us to get comfortable. The two pedicurists started the foot bath for us. We took off our shoes and placed our feet in. The water was nice and warm. "Ok ladies I'm gonna let you two soak for a while and then I'll be back" she said. "Can I get you anything". I looked at Rachel wondering what she wanted. "A glass of orange juice would be nice" I said. "Alright I'll be back with your orange juice" she said and with that she was gone.

"So have you been girl" I asked Rachel. "I've been good just taking it a day at time" she said. "I've been working a lot" "Well that's good" I said. "How are you and Jared" "We're good" I said. "Just enjoying each other and our time" "Have you heard from Leah? I felt like I haven't seen her in forever" "Well last time I checked Sue said that she went down to Atlanta for a little while" I said. "Like a mini vacation" "Ok cool. So when does she get back?" "Honestly, I don't know" I said. "I don't know when Leah's coming back from Atlanta. I haven't even heard from her since she left and that was like over a week ago" "Well maybe we should give her a call just to check up on her" Rachel said. "I mean the last time I saw her things weren't too pretty. The last time I saw her was when the whole fiasco went down at the concert. Other than that I haven't seen her since" "Don't worry. You have nothing worry about. Leah is fine down in Atlanta. She's having a ball" I said. "How do you know?" "Instagram" I replied. "She's fine but I'm sure she's coming back anytime this week. She has to cause she's coming on the Christmas vacation to the Bahamas" "Ok if you say so. I just wanna make sure she's ok"

In perfect timing, the receptionist came back with our orange juice. We took a sip and continued talking. "Girl I got some tea to hit you" I said pointing my white stiletto fingernail at her. "What's the tea? I'm listening. I'm all ears" she said. "You are not going to believe who broke up" I said. "Who?" she asked. "Trey and Lauren London" I said. Rachel choked on her orange juice. "No way" she exclaimed. "Yes way" I said. "Get the fuck outta here" "They broke up" I said. "Oh my goodness. I don't believe this" "Girl that's only half of it. There's more" I said. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." she said excitedly. "They didn't just break up like Lauren gave him back the ring and moved out of the house" I said. Rachel gasped and had her mouth open. "Oh my god. I do not believe what I am hearing" she said. "I'm sorry I am at a loss for words right now. My head is spinning. This is too much like I'm gonna need a cocktail after this" "I couldn't believe it either" I said. "So wait how did you find out about it" "Jared and I went double dating with Ashley Everett and John Silver last night and she told me" I said. "Whoa" "That some hot ass tea" I said. "I mean don't get me wrong Rachel, I don't wish nothing bad on anybody or on their relationship but Trey and Lauren had to see this coming" "Oh yeah, absolutely" "This breakup has been brewing for a while now" I said. "It had to come down to this at some point" "But I didn't think home girl was gonna give him back the ring and move out. I mean it's one thing to breakup but damn move out the house that's some next level shit right there" "This is just crazy" I said. "You see this why I thank God every day for my marriage that I don't have to deal with this type of thing" "True" "I mean I know my marriage isn't perfect. I have issues and problems just like everybody else but there are people who are far off worse than I am" I said. "True"

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