Chapter 29: Not What I Expected

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It's been a few days since everything went down between me and Kim and I'm not gonna lie she said some stuff that really hurt me you know I didn't expect that kind of reaction from her at all. I need some guidance as where to go from here so I'm gonna meet up with Sam today. "Hey dude" I said as I entered the restaurant. "Hey what's up" he said. "A lot of stuff has been going on" I said. "Like what" "I talked to Kim about the baby thing" I said. "Uh huh" "And the reaction I got I was not expecting it at all" "How did she react" "She said some shit that really hurt me and I don't think she really understood what she said" I said. "What did she exactly say" "She said the timing is not right for us to have a baby right now and that she wants to do certain things with her life before she becomes a mother" I said "Certain things like what" "Well you know I think she sees Leah and Emily and what they have" I said. "What do you mean by what they have. I'm not quite understanding what you're trying to tell me" "She sees Emily and Leah thriving in their lives. They got their clothing lines, their makeup lines, jewelry and I think when she sees them and that they're making money she thinks less of herself, she thinks she isn't doing anything with her life and that she's just Jared Cameron's wife and she wants something like what they have" I said. "Well Kim needs to understand that Leah and Emily they have worked hard for what they got" he said. "I mean she thinks its easy doing a clothing line or a makeup line. Hell no that shit is hard work" "And she said she doesn't want to start having kids yet because she's not sure if our marriage is gonna work" I said. "Whoa" he said. "That's some serious shit right there" "Yeah when she said that that shit jumped up and slapped me in the face" I said. "How can you come and say something like this. If you didn't think our marriage wasn't gonna work then why the hell did you marry me" "True" "Did you marry me for marrying me sake. So you wouldn't make me look a like a fool in front of all my friends" I said. "I don't know what to say. Where is all of this coming from all of sudden" "I have no idea" I said. "I'm speechless and she also said that she needs to be Kim first before she can be Jared Cameron's wife" "What's that supposed to mean" "Exactly that's what the fuck I wanna know" I said. "You gotta do you first before you can be Jared Cameron's wife. I'm not stopping Kim from doing whatever she wants to do" "Jared I really don't know what to say but it looks like she isn't ready to have kids and she said she isn't ready but the real question here is when will she be ready and if she is ever going to be ready". "I don't know things are just not what I thought they would be" I said. "You see this is one of the cons of getting married at such a young age" he said. "You guys think that the honeymoon is gonna last forever and when the real challenges of married life start to arise you guys can't deal with them or you can't handle them. That's the problem and that's why the divorce rate is so high." "You think we gonna get a divorce" I asked. "That's something for you to decide not me". "Lauren came to see me the other day" he said changing the subject. "Again" I said. "Yes and this time she wanted to know if I had thought over her offer" he said. "That bitch starting to get on my motherfucking nerves like really she's starting to irritate me" "So what are you gonna do" I asked. "I don't know I told the bitch that if she ever shows up to my house again I'm gonna take out a fucking restraining order on her" "It's gotten that bad" I asked. "It has gotten that bad". This Lauren thing is starting to get a little strange. She's starting to become somewhat stalkerish. If I were Sam I would watch my back.


(Lauren and Trey's House)

"I went to see Sam again" I said to Brandy. "And what did he say" she asked. "Exactly what he said the last time. No" I said. "So what are you going do" "I don't know Brandy" I said. "I need someone to help me with this plan. I have to get Leah away from Trey. I am not gonna lose my man. I'm gonna keep my man at any cost and if it means I have to kill that bitch or have her be killed I'll motherfucking do it" "Kill her" Brandy shouted. "Lauren you're going a little overboard with this" "How am I going overboard" I asked. "Lauren you're talking about killing a woman over a man" "He's not just a man Brandy. He's MY man and I'll be damned if I let that bitch think she can come in and take my man" I said. Why is Brandy acting like this all of sudden? All the time she was cool with me getting at Leah now she's all Lauren aren't you going a little overboard with this. Some shit is going on. Something's going on and Brandy is not telling me about it. Why is Brandy on Leah's side. Something's up and I'm gonna find out about it. "Lauren come on girl. Nothing is going on between the two of them just let it go" she said. "Why are you defending her" I asked. "Defending I'm not defending anybody" "Yeah you are" I said. "It's almost like you're taking her side" I said. "I'm not taking anyone's side" "Hell yeah you are. You were all for me doing this now all of a sudden you like Lauren you're going overboard" I said. "Is some shit going on that you're not telling me" "What are you talking about" "Because you seem different to me. The way you acting about this situation" I said. "You know what girl you tripping right now" she said. She picked up her bag and started heading for the door. I followed her to the door. I opened the door and held it for her to leave. "Goodbye Brandy" I said. "Ok whatever call me when you start being cool again" she said as she walked away. I slammed the door behind her and went back to the kitchen. Something is up like something is going on. It's not normal for Brandy to act this way. All the time Brandy was helping and letting me know who I should go to for help. Now all of sudden she's on Leah's side in this whole situation that's some bullshit. Something's up like for real something is going on and whatever it is I'm gonna find out about it.

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