Chapter 60: To Be Judged

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Today I’m meeting up with the girls for lunch. I haven’t seen them since the party and I know they are gonna have a lot to say so let me hear them out. I walk into the restaurant and see all of them already seated. “Hi” I said walking up to the table. “Hey” they all said in unison. I went around the table to hug each of them before sitting down. I could sense there was a bit of tension in the room like they had something to day to me. “So what’s up” I said. “I haven’t seen you guys since the party” “Everything’s good” Emily said. “Everything is cool on my side” Kim said and Rachel said basically the same thing. “So are you guys still coming to New York for Fashion Week” I asked. “Are you guys still gonna walk in my show?” “Yeah we are” Emily said. “Ok good because I wanna know because you guys gotta get fitted for outfits” I said. “Because I gotta see what fits and what doesn’t” “Ok cool”. We ordered our food and were plunged back into this awkward silence. I couldn’t understand the awkward silence between the girls and me. Where is this coming from? The girls and I don’t have any beef right now so I don’t understand what all of the tension and silence is all about. I am getting a feeling like they have something to say to me and if they do say it right now. “Ok guys” I said. “I don’t know what is going on right now. I’m sensing a lot of tension in the room and you guys look like you got something to say. So if you do have something to say to me. I would rather you say it right now while I am here and not behind my back”. The girls looked at me as I talked. I saw Rachel and Emily exchange a look. Emily took a deep breath before talking. “Ok Leah here’s what’s up” she began to say. “I well we wanted to talk to you about what went down at the party”. I knew it. I knew they wanted to talk about what went down at the party. I knew these bitches would have something to say.

“Ok” I said. “We felt that you were wrong for accepting the diamond earrings from Trey”. I squeezed my eyes shut when she said it. I was trying my best not to get angry. “You thought I was wrong” I asked. “Yes you were wrong. We all thought you were wrong” Emily said. “In what sense was I wrong” I asked. “You were wrong for accepting the earrings from Trey” Rachel said. “That gift was too extravagant and way over the top” “How? How was it way over the top?” I asked “It was way over the top Leah” Emily said. “Those earrings costs what $5000.00 dollars” “I still don’t understand how I’m wrong in this situation” I said. “I’m still waiting to hear how I was wrong” “You were wrong for accepting the earrings because Trey has a fucking pregnant fiancée” Emily said. “And honestly, I think Lauren had every right to get mad at Trey for giving you those earrings. If I were in her shoes and my man gave his ex a pair of diamond earrings for her birthday I would be pissed” “You know what you guys are judging me” I said. “We are not judging you Leah” “Yes you are if you guys weren’t judging me. You wouldn’t in front of me telling me this right now” I said. “I think it was very disrespectful for Trey to give you those earrings” Kim said. “And you need to remember that you are not Trey’s woman and ex-girlfriends shouldn’t be getting gifts like that” “It was an innocent present” I said. “It meant nothing” “Oh really” Emily said. “Yes it meant nothing. I didn’t ask him to buy me those earrings he did that all on his own” I said. “Ok Leah” Rachel said. “I want you think about it this way. What if the roles were reversed and you were the fiancée and Lauren was the ex-girlfriend. How would you feel if Trey bought Lauren flowers and diamond earrings on her birthday”. I have been asked this question before and I would give them the same answer I gave Seth. “I would get mad. I would have probably reacted in the same as Lauren. I would’ve probably been getting ready to kill Trey’s ass” I said. “Exactly that’s how Lauren feels” Rachel said. “That’s how she feels. She feels disrespected” “Well if she knew she was gonna feel disrespected by Trey giving me the earrings maybe her ass shouldn’t have showed up at my birthday party” I said. “If you guys don’t remember I didn’t invite her” “Yes you didn’t invite her but she was there” Emily said. “We are not only blaming you. Trey also has to take some blame in all of this because he as the one who bought you the earrings. So he is at fault as well” “This is crazy” I said. “It was a simple pair of earrings and it meant nothing. Ya’ll acting as if he bought me a car or something”. The girls right now are really pissing me the fuck off. They are acting is if Trey bought me a car or a house. It was a pair of diamond earrings and he sent me 2 dozen roses during the day. It meant nothing. He was trying to be nice.

“Leah” Kim said. “Are you still in love with Trey”. Oh hell no this bitch did not just ask if I was still in love with Trey. That’s not their business if I’m still in love with Trey or not. “No” I said after a while. “You hesitated” she said. “Why” “I’m not in love with him. It was 2 years ago and it is the past” I said “Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself” Rachel asked. “I’m not in love with Trey” I said. “Oh come on Leah” Emily said. “We all see the way you look at him. We know how much you still love him”. “I’m not in love with Trey end of discussion” I said. “Now Leah I know this might sound fucked up but Lauren said you should stay away from them and I think you should” she said. “I think you should stay away from them”. I felt myself getting hot with anger. Who is Emily to tell me to stay away from Trey when she is sleeping with her ex-husband. “Let Trey and Lauren be” Emily said. “Lauren is right”. That was the last straw. “You know what you guys don’t get to judge me” I said. “When ya’ll lives are picture perfect and you are doing everything right then you can judge me but until then I suggest you keep your fucking mouths closed”. I got up from the table and put my bag on my arm. “We aren’t saying that we’re perfect we are just trying to tell you that you are wrong” Emily said. “You wanna know what I think is wrong Emily” I said. “The fact that you are sleeping with your ex-husband and leading him on. Treating Sam like he’s the side nigga that’s what I think is wrong”. Emily got silent in an instant. She thought I didn’t know huh. She thought I didn’t know she and Sam slept together the night of my birthday party. Leah knows everything honey. They are all sitting there and acting as if they are saints when they are just as bad. Ya’ll don’t get to judge me. “You are being overly dramatic Leah” Kim said. “I’m not being overly dramatic Kim. She is treating Sam like he’s the side nigga and Emily knows how Sam feels about her” I said. “And you aren’t so innocent either. You won’t even give your husband a baby”. Kim pulled back some. “Ugh I have a husband. You don’t let’s just get that straight first of all” “You know what ya’ll can’t judge me” I said. “Ya’ll should thank me” “Why should we thank you Leah?” Rachel asked. “I gave you your lives” I said. “You gave us our lives” Emily said. “Yes I did gave you your rich, luxurious lives. If it wasn’t for me you guys wouldn’t be here” I said. “Ya’ll aren’t innocent either. So don’t talk to me about being wrong”. I stormed out of the restaurant. How dare they judge me? They sit there acting all innocent and shit like they haven’t done worse shit than me. Emily is sleeping with her ex-husband and treating him like the side nigga. They telling me I’m wrong for accepting a pair of earrings from Trey. So because I took some earrings from my ex I’m a hoe. They can’t judge they have done worst shit than me. They should be thanking for their lives. I gave them their lives. I gave them their fame. If it wasn’t for me and the guys no one would know who the fuck these bitches are. Like I said before when ya’ll lives are picture perfect and you are doing everything right then you can judge me but until then shut the fuck up and stay in your place. Save that shit for somebody else. 

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