Chapter 40: Making Progress

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(A few days later)


Thankfully I have been making progress with the party. We found another place to have the party and everything is going well once again. Hopefully this will turn out well. I haven't seen Trey since he stayed over at my house so I'm meeting up with him for lunch today. "Hi" I said as I walked in the restaurant. "Hi" he said standing up to give me a hug. We sat down and started talking. "So how are you doing" I asked. "I haven't seen you since everything happened" "I've been good" he said. "So how did the talk with Lauren go" I asked. "Well nothing really changed you know she's gonna side with her mother on this whole situation" "True" I said. "I told she's treating me like garbage" he said. "I have always done right by her and my child. I am taking care of my responsibility that's what should matter" "What you are saying is so true" I said. "You're taking care of your child that's the main thing in all of this and you're doing a good job" "What Lauren's mother said to me I will never forget that" "That's not something easy to forget" I said. "And I don't want you to ever think that you're not a man". He bent down his head and I could see the tears coming. He looked up at me and tears were streaming down his face. I could tell that this still hurts him. Lauren's mother might not know this but what she said has scarred him emotionally for life. I reached out for his hand. "I don't ever want you to think you're not a man" I said. "She is wrong. She was so wrong on so many different levels to say something like that. She doesn't know the entire story ok and until she knows the entire story then she can judge until then she has no right to that". Lauren's mother was out of line to go and say something like that. And Lauren herself in this situation is wrong. I understand that with everything going on with Trey you might want to go and talk to your mom and possibly get some advice. Cool I ain't got no problem with that but she isn't telling the whole story. Lauren's mother is judging the situation based on what Lauren has told which is not the whole truth. And I don't like how Lauren perceives me to be and perceives Trey to be. Trey is a good man and Lauren needs to stop this. If she doesn't stop she's gonna lose her man. "So how's the party planning coming along" he asked. I let out a loud sigh before answering. "That doesn't sound very good" "Boy you wouldn't believe what happened" I said. "What" "I lost the venue for the party" I said. "What" he exclaimed. "I lost the venue for the party" "How" "I was at the studio a few days ago and I got a call from Eva telling me that I need to come to the club immediately" I said. "So I get down to the club and she's there so I ask what's going on" "And what did she say" "She told me that Kress is closing down". He looked at me with concern on his face. "What do you mean by they are closing down" "They're closing down" I said. "They're not gonna be operating anymore" "I don't understand this like that's weird" "Eva is like they're closing and I'm like what do you mean by they're closing down" I said. "She said they're closing down. They aren't making enough money to keep their doors open so they are closing down. And I told Eva I wasn't aware of this" "Ok" "And that I'm having my party and I told Eva this cannot be happening my birthday is in 2 weeks and people expect a party here on the 23rd of October" I said. "And I asked her about her money because I paid these people $20 000.00 dollars to rent this place for the night. The party ain't happening so I should get my money back and she said I can't get the money back" "You can't the money back" he asked. "Nope" I said. "So that's it. $20 000.00 dollars down the drain just like that" "Just like that" I said. "Wow" "I stood there and I felt like crying because I had a funny feeling about this place" I said. "The price was very steep to rent this place for the night. Very steep and I'm a kinda bitch I know better. I'm a kinda bitch I go with my instincts and my gut. And the one time I didn't trust it. It costs me" "So as of right now you don't have a venue" "Well luckily I found another venue" I said. "So now I have to go call all of my guests and tell them change of plans" "Damn that's gonna be a lot of work" he said. "I know but I'm up and ready for it" I said.

(Later that day)


(Lauren and Trey's House)

Lunch today with Leah was good. I needed to talk to her about everything that has been going on. But enough about that Lauren wants to start planning the baby shower because right now she is about 7 months pregnant and the baby is coming very very soon. She's due in early January. I know you guys are probably wondering why we're having the shower this early. Babies sometimes tend to arrive before the due date or the date given so we need to do this. "Hey baby" I said walking up to her giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey" she said. "So what's up with the planning" I asked. "Well right now we need to decide on a date" "A date ok" I said. "So what date are you looking at" "I was looking at sometime in November" she said. "What dates in November" I asked. "I was thinking about the 25th". I made the smashing breaks noise. "Rewind" I said. "No the baby shower cannot happen on the 25th" "Why" she asked. "That is the day of the Angels With A Heart Benefit Concert and that is the LA show of the Chapter V World Tour so that date is out of the question" I said. "What about the 19th of November" "Nope that's Forrest's birthday" I said. She let out a frustrated groan. "Every date I suggest you got something going on like really what the fuck" she said. "Look Lauren I can't help it if I have commitments to meet on those days or obligations" I said. "You know what I'm planning my baby shower this is supposed to be a happy moment" "Ok let's talk venues" I said. "Where should we have this baby shower" "Well I was thinking we could have the baby shower at I don't know maybe the Four Seasons or the Palace or the Waldorf-Astoria. I don't know. What do you think?" "So if we're having the party at a hotel what are we gonna be renting out. The ballroom" I asked. "Well it's all depending on how many guests we're having and that's another thing we have to talk about" "Alright" I said. "I know you got your celebrity friends and all of that might be coming in so I don't know" "But renting out a hotel ballroom for a baby shower. Don't you think that's a little over the top" I said. "Well we are who we are and a lot of big names are gonna be there so.........." "Well I think we could have it right here at the house" I said. "I don't believe anything is wrong with having it right here" "Well I don't know like I said its all depending on how many guests we're accommodating" "Can you like give me an estimate or a feel of how many guests will be coming" I asked. "Well I was thinking anywhere from 150 to 200 people". I looked at her in shock. "Whoa" I began to say. "Is something wrong with that" "Whoa, whoa. 200 people is a lot Lauren that's a wedding. And this is not a wedding" I said. "Baby it's gonna be my family and your family. It's gonna be your friends and my friends. So it will come up to about 200 people maybe more" "I need to sleep on that 200 people thing because that to me is a lot of people" I said. "Ok" she said. "But Trey I want you to know that there is a lot to be done for this baby shower. We have to talk decorations, shower games, gifts, food and whole lot of other things and I need you to be here with me through all of this" "What do you mean by I need to be here. Am I not always here?" I said. "Yes but this is important" she said. "This is a family related event and I need your help with the planning. There are gonna be some times where we're gonna have to go places and try things out and I need you to be there. So you need to stop hanging with Leah for a while and focus on helping me with the baby shower. Can you do that?" "Yeah I can do that" I said. "Good"

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