Chapter 12: Searching For Answers

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With all three of them dressed and ready to go, they take to the rooftops. Casey and Raphael run together, leaping over the gaps while Destiny flies just above them, ready to drop out of sight at a moment's notice.

Destiny whistles, making Raphael look up at her, and they nod. Destiny folds her wings and drops abruptly, only to right herself and break her fall with a single flap as she lands next to them. Raphael pulls out his t-phone and dials, putting it on speaker.

"Donatello," the voice on the other end answers.

"We're close. You guys there already?"

"Yeah. Check the alley."

Destiny does, looking to the ground for a second before a grin lights up her face. She beckons to her companions before leaping off the edge.

Raphael thumps Casey on the back as he jogs to the edge of the roof and disappears off the drop. Casey follows after him, glancing over the edge for a second. Destiny's already on the ground, unburdened by the struggles of gravity, and Raphael clambers down the fire escape below them.

Casey follows, slower than usual. He's gotten rusty, it seems. His muscles don't like this movement like they used to.

Raphael waits for him on the ground while Destiny runs ahead. Far down the alleyway, Casey notices Leonardo standing watch, waiting for them. He smiles as Destiny approaches him, their hands briefly touching in silent greeting before his attention returns to Raphael and Casey.

Raphael starts running and Casey deploys his land skates to keep up. Casey can't see Donatello, Michelangelo, or Sarina, but they must be close by, just out of sight. Leonardo offers Casey a tiny smile before jerking his chin to the side in a silent command for them to keep up. He turns, leading them further into the valley of brick and concrete surrounding them.

"It's no wonder we haven't found this place before now," Leonardo says, finally breaking the silence. "Looks like a garage of some sort, well-camouflaged, no visible windows and only one entrance. The others are working on it now."

"Any progress?" Destiny asks.

"No, not really," Leonardo sighs. "Whoever locked it up wanted it to stay locked."

"I wonder why?" Raphael says, sarcasm edging his words. "Maybe because whatever is locked inside should stay that way."

"Didn't you say there was a mutagen alert from inside?" Casey asks.

"It was like mutagen," Leonardo says. "Donnie and Sarina said it was abnormal, but whatever it is, we need to find out what."

Raphael's lips press together tightly. "I'm thinking three options. One, abandoned Kraang lab. Two, more mutant hunter weapons."

"Those weren't mutagen-based, were they?" Destiny asks, tail lashing.

"Maybe? I mean, what better to use against mutants than the thing that makes them, right?" Raphael crosses his arms over his chest, jaw clenched. "Third option, bad guys doing bad shit again."

"We won't know until we break inside. It's quiet. Mikey's been scouting the area and there's no weird sounds, smells..." Leonardo says. He shakes his head. "It's better to be safe than sorry."

"Oh, I know. Doesn't mean I'm not ready for the worst."

They round a corner, emerging into a small alcove where Michelangelo stands guard while Sarina and Donatello work by a rusty metal door with no visible handle. Sarina stares intently at an electronic keypad next to the door while Donatello kneels at her feet, phone out while he works on a device that looks like a toaster with multiple cables coming out of it.

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