Chapter 29: Protecting Him

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"Hey Shadow, come on! You're going to miss it if you keep sitting around!"

Zilla looks around, recognizing the school gym at Roosevelt. Casey stands directly in front of her, his dark brown eyes twinkling with a teasing light and a wide grin on his face. He holds a hand out to her, winking.

"Come on, Casey Jones knows how to show a girl a good time. Don't leave me hanging, Z," he teases.

She looks down at herself, noticing for the first time that she isn't a shadow. Her hands are once again the soft brown colour she once had, her feet touching the ground. She's barefoot and wearing a flowing black dress. She looks up, slowly touching her face as her lips part in awe.

"You look great, don't worry about it," Casey assures her, still grinning. "Come on! Get those feet moving!"

He takes her hand, startling her with the feeling. Her rough palms match his, although his grip is stronger and warmer than hers. He pulls her out onto the gym floor, laughing as he twirls her around once. She gasps again, the movement of the dance so weird and foreign to her.

She teeters as she stops spinning, his laughter ringing in her ears. She hasn't seen him this happy in so long, something that makes her sad yet content all at once. She hasn't felt this human in even longer.

He strides forwards and wraps his arms around her, her head fitting perfectly beneath his chin. She instantly closes her eyes, pulling him as close to her as she possibly can. Being hugged like this is just another sensation that she's forgotten.

"You make me so happy."

Zilla's eyes snap open, shattering the vision in her mind like a bullet through glass. It's nighttime again, the streets dark and gloomy. She pulls herself out of the meditative position she had taken, holding her head. Her imagination has never been that vivid before.

She heads out, forcing herself not to go back to the turtles' lair. She needs to respect their privacy. Casey will find her if he wants to.


"Aw...what hit me?" Casey groans, his eyes fluttering open weakly.

His vision focuses slowly, bringing the lair into clarity. No one sits around him, making him wonder where they got to. He pushes himself up, the heavy fatigue gone from his body. His face and limbs still ache from the fall, but that's nothing he can't handle.

He gets up, groaning as he steadies himself. He wanders towards the kitchen, unsure of who might be awake. He stops every now and then, his steps slow and each one making him wince.

"Uh...Flash? Wolfie?" he tries.

Much to his surprise, the two girls poke their heads out of the kitchen. Both their faces light up with relief when they see him awake, Destiny bounding forwards and hugging him tightly.

"Casey, you're okay," she says, her tail wagging wildly.

He laughs weakly and returns the hug. "Of course I am. Casey Jones doesn't just die."

She pulls away from the hug and rolls her eyes, a teasing smirk showing off her fangs. "You fell off a building and were chased by shadow beasts. Excuse me for being worried, you doofus."

"I attempted to make soup," Sarina adds as she walks closer. "Unfortunately, although I am good at many is not one of them." She scratches the back of her neck as her eyes flash, a sheepish smile softening her face.

Casey laughs, but stops short as his bruised ribs flare with pain.

"Aw, that's okay," he says.

"Come on, how about you eat some breakfast before you head home?" Destiny suggests. "I think you deserve a day of rest."

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