Meeting dad

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And we saw.......
Chapter 3
Our dad.  Leonardo stepped in front of me.  What are you doing here you bastard of a son and you.  I hide farther behind Leo.  You good for nothing weak little..... Leo stopped him there.  We're here to see Lorenzo Medici.  We walked past him and into a large hallway. Leo is the things dad said true are we really bastards and good for nothing. He stopped and bent down and looked down at me straight in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. No weak were not. I then hugged him and he hugged me back. We stopped hugging quick and walked to a library. Lorenzo I have your weapons ready Leo said to the ruler of Florence.  And who's your little friend Lorenzo said.  This is my brother.  Weak could you go read out in the hallway.  Sure fine.  I walked into the hallway and sat down and started to read my book.  After a while a woman about 23 with green eyes and brown hair came up to me but she looked for familiar.  Hi is Leonardo in there.  Oh ya that's right she was the slut that was getting into my brothers pants.  What's your name I said ignoring her question.  My name is mistress Lucrezia Donati and you are.  Your worse nightmare and you can't have my big brother.  I stormed off and found the stair case that Leo and I had walked up where we met dad.  I started to cry softly.  Why did he like her anyway.  I opened my book.  When I heard foot steps behind me.  Their you are.  I turned around my eyes puffy from tears.  What do you want.  I saw Leo.  I was looking for you are you ready to go.  Y-ya I got up and Leo and me walked out of the castle and ran into Zoroaster. Hey its my favorite guy and his baby bro. Zoroaster had a bunch of women around him. He was clearly drunk. Ok Zoroaster let's get you to the studio now Leonardo stepped in. We got the girls off him and after awhile got him into the studio and into Leo's bed. I ran to our small kitchen and grabbed a big bowl for him to puck in knowing he would. I brought it to Leo. You should get to bed so you can help me with a project I have been working on. Ok night Leo night Zoroaster. Zoroaster then pucked in the bucket. I walked in to my room then got changed in some pjs. I jumped into bed and fell asleep.
The pic is from di Vinci's demon
Leonardo's dad.💀

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