The sword at my back

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I got up to find that Leo was gone and I was left alone. I whipped the dirt off my face and started to cry softly. I got up still crying and dragged myself to go find......
Chapter 7
Someone who might listen to me and understand my pain. But who the only friend I have is shadow and he's a horse. I just walked till it got dark out. I looked up and I was lost. Then out of the counter of my eye I saw a hooded figure with a blade as long a my arm. I gulped and ran as fast as I could. I ran for about a couple of blocks before I found the studio. I was about to go in when my stacker pointed the blade at my back. If you move my blade goes throw your back. I gulped. I screamed and my captor put his hand over my mouth. Then Leo came running out with his sword. My captor put his sword to my throat.  Don't come closer or I'll cut his throat.  I started to cry harder.  Leo put his sword down.  I bit my captor finger hard and he screamed moving away and I ran to Leo.  He grabbed me a put me in the studio.  The next thing I knew their was sounds of melt hitting melt.  Then someone screamed and then everything was dead silent.  The door opened and Leo came in and hugged me tight. Don't ever scare me like that again do you heard me Leonardo screamed. O-o-ok I cried. Now go get into bed you've had a long day. I left the shop blushing a little. I walked home and fell asleep in bed.

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