A bright morning of sorts

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I got up before the sun even was up. I couldn't fall asleep I was so stressed out. I wanted Leo to love me. Why did I have to be a boy why.  I put on extra clothes because I was freezing.  I hate the cold.  I went downstairs to make breakfast and looked at the time.  It was 3:40.  I grabbed some fire wood and put them in the oven( the ovens wood burning). I then grabbed a tea pot and made myself some hot chocolate.  After drinking the hot substance.  I looked at the time again and it was 4.  I put my hood on and went outside.  I fed shadow and cleaned his stall.  Shadow why can't he love me like I love him.  He naid.  I grind and hugged him.  I love you to buddy.  I put his blanket on and brush his hid.  Then I went back inside frozen to the bone.  I made myself another hot chocolate and went into my room.  After drinking my hot chocolate I laid on my bed and drifted off to sleep. 
I woke up but like still in my dream.  To see Leo sitting on my bed with his arms rapped around my torso.  Morning babe.  Leo why are you in my bed.  I looked down and realized we were both naked.  Oh baby you don't remember the wonderful night we had last night.  What did we do I blushed.  We had....
End of dream
Than I woke up sweating like crazy. 
I got off the coach and jumped in the shower quick.  After my shower I put some clean clothes on then I brushed my hair.  I went into the kitchen and looked at the clock it was 6:30.  I guess I should get Leo up.  I went upstairs and tried to wake him up but before I even knocked on the door the stupid bell rang and bet me again. I walked back downstairs and put my hood on and went to work. But before I even touched the door......

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