Well This Isn't Good

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I just thought I’d tell you the story is almost over… wow.  And where are the reviews?!  Honestly, what are you people doing?  All right, I’m one to talk but I have reasonable excuses ranging from no internet to freaking hard final exams to massive wildfires kicking me out of my house for a bit BUT I’m back.  So.  Let’s get this going shall we?

Chapter Quote:

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”

~Muhammad Ali


Chapter 19: Well This Isn't Good


“Sorry!” Silena exclaimed for what had to be the tenth time, looking horrified as Derek sucked in his breath while she was cleaning and fixing up his wounds.

Hating the fact she was feeling bad on his behalf, he joked, “Silena, you really need to stop saying ‘sorry,’ I’m fine.”  He started to laugh but instead grimaced with pain radiating from his ribs. When he saw Silena about to say ‘sorry’ again, he went, “Don’t even think about it.”

She gave him a sheepish smile but said nothing.  Silena finished bandaging his torso where most of the damage Hannah had caused him was.  Silena handed Derek his shirt and went up to wash her hands before getting some food.

“Thank you, Silena, really.  My ribs feel better already,” he claimed softly and sincerely, putting his shirt back on.  Feeling something on his legs, he looked down to find the two husky puppies looking up at him with their bright blue eyes, silently begging for him to pick them up.  He conceded easily, picking them up in one scoop.  They wriggled excitedly in his arms, attempting to lick his face.  He heard Silena laugh as she came over to sit next to him, two glasses of water and two snack bars in her hands.

“They like you,” she observed amusedly, handing him his water and snack.

“I might take one of them home at the end of the summer.  I can only own one though.  I don’t want to separate them either and- crap, I forgot, I’m moving,” Derek rambled.

“Why?” Silena queried, drinking from her water glass.

“Multiple reasons.  My dad got a new job somewhere in upstate New York.  Tiny town but pretty, and most of the kids there are geniuses.  And then I, uh, might’ve destroyed the band room at my old school…”

She laughed. “How did you manage that?!”

“In my defense, I was being attacked by a vamp chick with a donkey leg!  I forget what their names are.  Empooty or Emflouta or something like that.  Bryn would know; I’ll have to ask her later.”

“How is she?”

“Fast asleep on the couch.  She should wake up in a little bit.  How’s Luke?”

“Exhausted but watching mom and dad.  I’ll have to remember to thank Bryn later.  She kind of saved all our lives.  Meanwhile I was imprisoned and doing jack squat.  I’m not cut out for fighting.  I need to stick to books,” she grumbled, looking down and munching angrily on her snack bar.

Derek snorted at the statement. “Silena, I’m one of the top fighters in the camp and you’ve already beaten me at least twice.  You’re the reason Luke knew where to go in the first place.  Whether you know it or not, you helped us get to your parents.  And all demigods are cut out for fighting, some better than others.  Trust me, you’re going to get a lot more confidence as the war goes on.”

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