Derek is Spiderman

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So how is everyone? I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Quote of the Chapter:
"Can we just call them storm spirits? Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks."
~Leo Valdez

Chapter 11: Derek is Spiderman


Silena woke up sometime in the middle of the night to the sound of a door opening. Curious to know who the hell was up at three in the morning, she groggily stumbled out of bed and opened the door. The footsteps were to her left and quickly she followed them. Hopefully it wasn't some monster that had snuck onto the ship. When she rounded the corner, the elevator had just closed and it went up to the tenth floor; someone must've had a late night snack craving Silena mused.

She hesitated, wondering if she should follow the person or not. Curiosity got the better of her and Silena pushed the up button. An elevator came immediately and she went to the tenth floor. When she got off, she immediately went to the cafeteria. Sure enough, the mysterious person was there, sitting and eating a slice of pizza. Of course, Silena wondered if she should've taken back her thought on wishing it wasn't a monster because right then and there, she wished it would've been. Instead Derek sat there, his black hair messy and his white t-shirt and gray sweat pants wrinkled. As silently as she could, she started to walk away.

"Who's there?" Derek's voice commanded.

Silena cringed as she cursed herself for following him so closely. Peering back around the wall she had used to hide, she said, "It's just me… Silena."

He smiled. "What are you doing up?"

"I heard your door open… not your door specifically though," Silena added hastily. "I didn't know who it was and I just wanted to check to make sure it wasn't some monster."

Derek scratched his head in obvious embarrassment. "Sorry," he apologized sheepishly. "I didn't mean to wake you. I had a sudden urge to eat and well, I thought I was being quieter than I was."

"Don't worry; I'm a light sleeper anyways. Luke on the other hand sleeps like a baby. I swear to god a tornado could be right next to the house and he wouldn't even stir," Silena joked.

"That sounds like Bryn," Derek acknowledged with a grin.

"I can't help but realize how similar they are," Silena said thoughtfully.

"It's because they're children of the Big Three. But you're like Bryn, too."

Silena chuckled at the absurdity of the statement. She was in no way like Bryn, or at least she didn't think so. "I don't see the similarities."

"You're both tall, you both could pass as Apollo kids at archery, you're both determined as hell," Derek said. "And, although this might not necessarily go with fighting and skills and whatnot, you're both really pretty."

She looked at him curiously. "Did you just say I'm pretty?"

"Well it's certainly no secret at camp that you're pretty. And saying you're pretty is an understatement," Derek replied. Not knowing what to say, Silena just smiled bashfully. "Surely you've been told you're beautiful?"

"Uh, just by my friends and family, and they don't really count. They're supposed to say those things," Silena answered.

"I bet they mean it," Derek assured.

"Thanks," Silena said with a smile.

"Um, would you like to join me?" Derek offered, motioning at the chair opposite him. Silena shrugged and walked over to it. He got up and pulled the chair out for her. The gentlemanly gesture was somewhat touching… and surprising. The only people that ever pulled out her chair for her were waiters at really fancy restaurants or her friends making sure that when she sat down, there would be no chair there and she would fall down smack dab on her butt.

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